The Official Royal Carnage YNGWIE J. MALMSTEEN Thread

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
Alright you fuckwads, this thread is dedicated to the one and only Mr. Malmsteen himself. I just read JayKeeley's review of Trilogy again and it made me pull out some stuff to jam...

I have everything except Attack. And I don't care what any of you may have to say, even after his first few albums, every album had a handful of great songs.

I hear a lot of complaining, bitching and moaning that he's doing the same thing over and over... so fucking what? HE's perfected it, without him none of these new cats would know what the fuck they're doing in regards to that style.

So, for those of you interested in participating, what would be your dream Yngwie setlist and with what vocalist?

Krakatau (Instrumental)
Now Your Ships Are Burned
Queen In Love
Deja Vu
Icarus Dream Suite (Instrumental)
C'est La Vie
Never Die
Dark Ages
Perpetual (Instrumental)
Prophet Of Doom
Demon Dance
What Do You Want
Hold On
Crying (Instrumental)
Dark Ages
I'll See The Light Tonight
Cry No More
Final Curtain

Encore: You Don't Remember, I'll Never Forget
Black Star (Instrumental)
Devil In Disguise
I AM a Viking

Whew!!! All with Mark Boals on vocals!!!
Personally I would grab Jeff Scott Soto on vocals who I think is much stronger and diverse then Boals. :) I was a huge YJM fan and then I just got bored listening to his stuff. I really dug some of the covers he did on the album "Inspiration" but other then that I haven't heard much lately for me to re-light the flame.

As for the set list you have a very good one up there some songs I might add:

Stuff from Alcatrazz like:
Hiroshima Mon Amour
Suffer Me
Jet to Jet
General Hospital
and also add the Steeler song Serenade (sucker for a ballad)

Solo stuff:
Little Savage
Disciples Of Hell
How Many Miles To Babylon
Pyramid Of Cheops

Truth be known, his songs aren't bad - it's just the fucking widdling and diddling that never seems to end nowadays. Worse still, when he has slow melodic rhythm parts, he still insists on playing at the speed of light. In his earlier days, he was able to balance this pretty well - fast, slow, emotional, burrrning.

OK fave vocalist for me is easy: Goran Edman. I just think Eclipse is his best album (after Rising Force).

Set list: I'll get back to ya....upload time!
The guitarist I currently jam with is a total Yngwie addict, he even went out and purchased the scalloped neck Yngwie Fender Strat last year, and it is just amazing to hear this dude play Yngwie lines note for note. We jammed yesterday and created one of the coolest freak-out fusion jam sessions I've ever heard, now if one of us would buy a damn 4 track that can handle live recording we could actually listen to it again. :)

Anyhow, I need to get him on this forum because he told me the newest Yngwie gives him goosebumps more than any other CD he's heard...
Emailed him, and he's already pissed that JayKeeley insulted Yngwie's later work in the Trilogy review. ;)
NAD said:
Anyhow, I need to get him on this forum because he told me the newest Yngwie gives him goosebumps more than any other CD he's heard...

Get out of here! Seriously? Attack is terrible IMO.

Hey listen, I love early Malmsteen stuff - up to the early 90's even. Eclipse is awesome. Fire and Ice has its moments, and saved by Goran Edman. Magnum Opus is pretty cool - I love Dawn (the one that sounds like Van Halen).

I even kitted out my strat with DiMarzio HS-1's. I didn't scallop the board though. For a while, I wanted to buy the Malmsteen pedal.

I have the song books for Rising Force and Eclipse. I learned as many riffs and 'pieces' as I could. Haddsie was going nuts with all the Malmsteen being played. Widddlediddlewiddlediddle etc ad nauseum.

I think Malmsteen is like what those guys said in the Conan the Barbarian thread re: Manowar. You put him away for 12 months, and then you go Malmsteen crazy for 6 weeks. It's all very cyclical.

What's Yngwies Best cover tune?

I think he did a great job on Gates of Babylon. All praise be to Blackmore.

And I admit, I turn the volume up for Mr Crowley with Ripper, and Gimme Gimme by ABBA.
:lol: I'll let him talk to you directly once he appears. For now I gotta leave this thread though... I know jack about Yngwie. :loco:
Attack did give me goosebumps. I have a huge obsession with Yngwie, especially the new stuff like Attack, Alchemy, and War to End All Wars. I have all his albums and the old stuff is great too. When you play, you kinda have to pick people to rip off, I mean...draw inspiration from until you can play better than them and then you find someone else. I say all hail to heartless sweeps and blinding speed over emotion any day. Yngwie has bred an army of soulless shredders that will rule the Guitar Centers and scare off 11 year old kids for generations to come. I like my guitar players like my women, fast, cold and with funny accents.

Best Yngwie cover - Dream On with Dio.
Poor Tom said:
Attack did give me goosebumps. I have a huge obsession with Yngwie, especially the new stuff like Attack, Alchemy, and War to End All Wars. I have all his albums and the old stuff is great too. When you play, you kinda have to pick people to rip off, I mean...draw inspiration from until you can play better than them and then you find someone else. I say all hail to heartless sweeps and blinding speed over emotion any day. Yngwie has bred an army of soulless shredders that will rule the Guitar Centers and scare off 11 year old kids for generations to come. I like my guitar players like my women, fast, cold and with funny accents.

Best Yngwie cover - Dream On with Dio.
First of all, congratulations on popping your first post cherry in Royal Carnage. All hails and salutations! :cool:

Second of all, you're full of crap. OK just kidding. A little. :D I think Alchemy has its moments, I think War to end all Wars was unfairly dismissed through appalling production (because it had great songs like The Wizard), but Attack is just horrible IMO (what the hell is Baroque and Roll?). In fact, I'm going to send my copy to PJ for a review. You hear that Josh you mutha?!

Don't tell me "blindless speed over emotion"!! NO!!!! Look back in the day when Yngwie could combine BOTH - first three albums in particular. Far Beyond the Sun? Icarus Dream Suite?

So if, for example, you think Chris Impelliterri is a better musician than Ritchie Blackmore, then shhh, keep it quiet. Your secret is safe with us. ;)
Poor Tom said:
I say all hail to heartless sweeps and blinding speed over emotion any day. Yngwie has bred an army of soulless shredders that will rule the Guitar Centers and scare off 11 year old kids for generations to come. I like my guitar players like my women, fast, cold and with funny accents.
First post.


Dude you don't ripoff Yngwie!!! The influence is there definitely, but you gots your owns style! :D
I can understand attractive women being fast and with funny accents, but why would you want a cold woman? What exactly is a 'cold' woman? You mean, 'cold' as in 'cold hearted', or 'cold' as in 'been dead in my cellar a few days', heh.
Mike Vescera is too 'nasal'. Goran Edman, that's the way to go. He has a touch of soul in his voice. Motherless Child, Demon Driver, Babylon, Save our Love with that flute intro...oh yeah. :cool: