The Official UM Confessional

I only own Rust In Peace by Megadeth. I never really felt compelled to pick up any of their other albums.

I don't own any Motorhead, Sodom, or Suffocation.
You said you paid 300 dollars to have sex with a prostitute. You have to expect some criticism/mockery if you do that.

Indeed. And the part about telling his ex-girlfriend about it "not to get back at her or anything lol" was the icing on the cake. Just because this is the confessional thread doesn't mean we're not going to call you out for being an a-grade knob.
The Beatles are considered one of the best bands in history so obviously they do not suck, they're legendary.
Every time I start to think that the Beatles are overrated, I take a quick look at their contemporaries and see why they reached the status they did.

Seriously, the 60s was pretty shitty for music, other than a few big names like the Rolling Stones, The Who, and others. Not that the 70s, 80s, 90s, or 00s have been much better, but The Beatles are overrated for a reason; they simply wrote great, original music in an era when music was quite simply boring. This is true for every decade.

So disliking a band for being overrated is unjustified, IMO.