the official 'we want the "ain't worth livin" shirt back :)

My Hearse Your Arms

Dec 11, 2005
san francisco
okay... well i know there has been a lot of discussion about this shirt and we all know its 'out of print'
i wanted this thread to try and spark things up
perhaps get the word out that we want this shirt!! er well i do...
also we can discuss what the shirt means to us
to me its... not like im suicidal at all
the statement kind of resembles all the darkness in life and portrays it in a simplistic 'blusy' kind of way
it really reminds me of lyrics to an old blues song or something
so instead of saying something like fuck i dont want to live anymore so i'm going to commit suicide it has kind of a chilling melancholy to it
like we're alive and can't really stop it
i bet you all can see
ok im done...
sorry if this is the worst thread ever haha:cry:
:headbang: THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS! I already have my wallet by my side ready to, $100? ;) You got it!!!

Man, I feel like a school boy all over, wanting that piece of candy so badly I can just taste it. That's how I feel about wanting this shirt. It's beautiful. The logo over top the perfect imagery - so subtle yet so powerful. shirt ever. I'd like, NEVER wash it haha (in fact, for me it'd be a great idea to order two.)

Ok, ok...I'm acting all psycho here, but let us hope the almighty KATATONIA takes note of this. Anders, you listening....err, reading???

@Hearse: Worst thread ever? More like BEST thread ever as it's about the best shirt ever. Ohhhh yeahhh.
I want one too but Im broke...some of yer charity please? can u spare some ..please? lol...I want one already!
I just hope there isn't a slight chance this may NOT be taken seriously. Because, well, I'm personally DEAD serious. I have the cash for it...I'd pay anything to have that shirt.

I'm so serious about this
I want one sooooo bad...

Please Anders, Jonas, Fred, Daniel, Mattias... if ANY of you are reading this, please tell us what we can do about this, if anything...
This shirt would sell very well

I'm so serious about this
I want one sooooo bad...

Please Anders, Jonas, Fred, Daniel, Mattias... if ANY of you are reading this, please tell us what we can do about this, if anything...
This shirt would sell very well

haha i doubt that!! we had that shirt for sell for a long time and noone really cared. i think people thought it was an ugly shirt

hangover today:kickass:
I want it!

Seriously, it's a great sure. There's no other shirt that I want to cover my breasts.
:cry: All the support I'm seeing here is making me a bit teary-eyed...dammit, looks like I'm turning emo. Not cool...

Hmm, if there's ONE reason as to why the shirt didn't sell well perhaps it is, indeed, because of the corny line. I don't see how ANYONE could hate the front of that shirt. It's an amazing concept design...incredibly fitting to the Katatonic-sound of the band. I don't know, it just has that special touch.

And Fred, hey...:kickass: cheers! It seems both Mattias AND Martin like the shirt...looks like it'll be an exclusive to band members haha. C'mon, put in a word for all of us that want it. It's not asking too much, is it? Well, that is, once you're sober haha.

Note: To me, it is a MUCH better shirt than the new Discouraged Ones (and trust me, I LOVE that one.)