The Opeth appreciation thread.

first saw them when i was 13/14. Got me hooked pretty quickly as i was amazed such music existed, i had never heard anything like it. I changed the way i saw music and opened me up to a huge amount of talented artists which further fuelled my passion for sound. For that i thank them.
They ve capitalized a 5 year musical journey for me. A Grand Culmination of the different types of music that have enriched my life (except gangsta rap) over the years.

Just fininshed listening to Morningrise, and after a three day stress fest, all is forgoten till next time. With no substance abuse, only music.

they are a special band: great musicians, great writers, overall phenominal artists.
in all honesty though, i really do love Opeht. they opened so many doors for me, musically, and they got me into playing guitar and really just loving music as much as i do.
im pretty sure everyone listened to linkin park (or at least us youngin's) at some point or another. i know i did :giganterk:
yea Opeth rule, no doubt about it. They have opened my eyes to so much new music and so many genres (prime one being 70's prog) that I had previously hardly explored. Also, not many metal bands come to New Zealand apart from the really well known ones so I wana say a special thanks to Mike and the boys for that. They really are a musicians/fans band if you know what I mean.

Cheers Opeth :kickass: