The origins of death metal?

personally, i found upright crosses a tad more irritating. i guess venom was already out and about before mercyful fate, but i like mercyful fate more than venom. all these bands are faces of the same god to me.
what i know of trouble is that they kinda improved on what sabbath did (they wrote more than one riff). doom metal if we must use labels. early 80s.
ah, there was this guy that I used to know, 12 years ago, he loved Possessed, as a hobby he used to dig out graves and collect the jewelry, golden teeth and skulls (only from the older graves),he was one of the few very funny people that I've ever known. cuz of this love to Possessed he hung himself on a tree, in a cemetery. so sweet.... :s

as for the thread, it's hard to say, depends on the perspective, I don't consider some things metal, and they belong to the genre, :err:
hey, The Burning Darkness, have Morgoth and Unleashed for that chick thread!
I don't believe there was actual heavy metal(the kind we partke in)before Sabbath.But I hear Sabbath lots of places.I've just gotten inot looking for the more underground roots of metal.And Sabbath aren't death...Celtic Frost are more death-ish...

Well, not really before Sabbath i guess, but the origin of ROCK derived from the blues

as for death metal, Death started it, then CC kinda made it big.
Death By Metal from Mantas (early incarnation of Death)
But Venom, Hellhammer, CF, and Possessed definitely deserve a lot of credit. As do bands like Sepultura, Slaughter and Necrovore
I worship Chuck, but Kam Lee deserves just as much credit as a death metal progenitor.
Death By Metal from Mantas could easily be considered as the first actual death metal recording

By the way, you can stream Possessed's Death Metal demo Here. The quality is pretty good and everything.
Possessed apparently released the first Death Metal album, Seven Churches, but I much prefer Death, and I believe they have been more influential. Atheist and Morbid Angel were early bands, and Cynic released a Death Metal/Jazz/Prog fusion album, Focus, in '93. Which while not traditional Death Metal (It has robot vocals half the time hahah) it's fucking awesome.
People tend to forget early Sepultura. "Bestial Devastation" was released in the same year as "Seven Churches". It's quite astonishing if you think about the circumstances surrounding that release: 4 Brazilian teenagers who barely knew some English, far away from every metal scene, growing up in a slum.