The Passion Of The Christ

i'm not gonna see it cause i already read the book and the movie has the same end...

btw, i'd rather focus on the wise things jesus said than on his bodily suffering
Falconspirit said:
Well, What do you lot think about this new controversial movie...and are you gonna see it?
as far as i know that controversy thing comes from gibson's antisemitism and has nothing to do with that jesus fairy tale crap:erk:
i think i'll miss this one...
i've heard its like a splatter film. jesus gets whipped for like 30 minutes or something, theres tons of bloodand graphic scenes. and the comments about antisemitism in the film are ridiculous. jesus was a jew ffs!
Alwin said:
i'm not gonna see it cause i already read the book and the movie has the same end...

btw, i'd rather focus on the wise things jesus said than on his bodily suffering

words of wisdom

yeah im gonna see it. i dont care if it's controversial or not, some say it's a good movie...artistically
Don Corleone said:
words of wisdom

yeah im gonna see it. i dont care if it's controversial or not, some say it's a good movie...artistically
yeah ill see it, mel is good sometimes. And i couldnt care less about gore, cant be more gore than tenebrea
whats the point of this movie anyway?? to see a suffering man? millions have suffered if he wanted to present it in the most realistic way, he should have named it "torture".

if you go and see this movie you might as well type in and look @ such pictures.

im not a christian, not a beleiver i just dont see the point of this whole thing. (besides the huge income they planned with an insidious marketing-strategy)

btw too much gore kills the emotions, makes you senseless or makes you laugh after a time. (ie nightmare on elm street was scary, but freddy7 or freddy vs. jason was rather fun :)) )
toolsofthetrade said:
we all know sex sells. does Christ sell too?
if you consider the number of christian followers world wide, i'd say he's a best seller... :Spin:
sonmium_in_tenebris said:
ironic, cause we dont care for you either. Neither does anyone that knows you, and if it seems like they do, they are just trying to be nice. I promise.
yeah, and if you would use your real nick for posts like that, i even would think about it. go see a doc, whoever you are.
Having just seen this movie. I would best describe it, as a good representation of the so called "truth" about Jesus Christ's last hours on earth. I think it reflects the true circomstances and atmosphere that reigned during these times, no doubt about that given the fact that Mel Gibson carefully interpreted the writings in the bible to the movie.
I don't think that a subjective opinion about the movie would be valable. Some would just say it was exagerated, just another movie about Christ but in a more bloody and touching scenes. But I don't think it should be commented in such a way, I think each person that watches the movie will perceive it his own way given his own convictions and thoughts.
Now about the anti-semitism in the movie, there is no such thing. No sane Christian would say there is any reference to the guilt of the Jews in our days. Moreover Christ did forgive all the people who condemned him. And he always thaught christians to love their enemies and blabla..
Good movie overall. I liked it.