The Perfect Band?


May 19, 2006
Emmen/Leeuwarden, the Netherlands
This morning on my way to school i was thinking about what the perfect band would look like.
I thought this would be mine:

Vocals: Ares (Aeternus) + Høst (Taake) + either Nicke Holstensson (Thy Primordial) or Abbath (no need to fill this in)
Guitars: Michael Ammot (Arch Enemy, Spiritual beggars) + Christopher Ammot (Arch Enemy)+ Teemu Mäntysaari (Wintersun) + Silenoz (Dimmu) who could also do some backing vocals
Bass: Lots of options here, i dont really care that much lol
Drums: Inferno (Behemoth) or Mickey Dee (Motorhead) or both lol

This with the groundshaking guitar-sound of Gorelord mixed with Taake'ish melodies and drums faster then the speed of light.

Maybe youve noticed theres no AA in this, but thats just because their style is really different from the rest of the bands i listen to, and also really different from all above listed musicians. And well, we all know AA is near perfection.

SO, what does your "Perfect band" look like?
This is very complicated. they may be good artist within their bands, but that doesnt mean they will perform fabulous when they form a specific band. Ill just keep it with existing bands.
Lead Vocals - Mikko Kotamäki (Swallow The Sun) - Excellent clean and gravel voice.
Lead Guitar - Ville Friman (Insomnium) - No one can write riffs like this guy
Rhythm Guitar - Johan Söderberg (Amon Amarth) - It's not a perfect band without someone from AA :kickass:
Bass - Alex Webster (Cannibal Corpse) - What can I say, I like this guy's style :heh:
Drums - Frost (Real Name: Kjetil Haraldstad)(1349) - Frost is like a freeking machine gun when he's put behind a kit, he's just unbelievable.
Hmm... mine will look nothing like the rest of yours, since I don't really listen to most of those bands, but I listen to a lot of odd stuff. And even half the bands I do listen to, I tend to listen to mostly older stuff... but let's see here.

Drums: Danny Schuler (Biohazard)
Bass: D.D. Verni (Overkill)
Guitar: Andreas Kisser (Sepultura)
Guitar/Keyboards: Pedro Paixão (Moonspell) - One of the best textural musicians in metal, imo.
Vocals: We'll just make this the clusterfuck from hell. Mike Patton (Faith No More)

I'm not exactly sure what it would sound like, but it would be pretty badass.
Vocals - Michael Jackson
Bass - Alex Webster
Guitar - Russel Crowe
Guitar - Yngwie Malmsteen
Drums - Horgh

That would be the funniest thing ever. And I bet it would rock. Imagine Southern Australian rock mixed with blast beats, power metal leads, and '80s pop vocals. It could really save Michael Jackson's career too. Hell, he should probably just join a death metal band, I know he has the range.

Hmmm Let's see

Drums: Dave Lombardo (Slayer) Not so much for his Slayer work, but for the stuff he did with Apocalyptica
Bass: Frédéric Leclercq (DragonForce)
Rythym Guitar: Jon Schaffer (Iced Earth)
Lead Guitar: Antti Kokko (Kalmah)
Keyboards: H.P. Katzenburg (Grave Digger)
Clear Vocals:pasi Koskinen (ex-Amorphis)
Growls: Johan Hegg (Amon Amarth)

I'm imagining a Dark Powerful Melodic Music borrowing from Death/Doom/Gothic adding a touch of folk with the keyboards. Bass and rythym guitar tuned pretty low while keeping the Lead Guitar high
Vocals: Peter-Vader

"Guitars": Abbath; Jorg Knittel-My Darkest Hate, ex-Sacred Steel

Bass: ummmm...Gustaf Jorde-Defleshed (R.I.P.)

Drums Max Kolesne-Krisiun

This was actually pretty hard to do. Peter and Abbath were the only two no-brainers for me. Really hard to choose a bassist. I'm kinda curious as to how this owuld work out. Probably very heavy with some melodies courtesy of Abbath and Max.
Vocals: Jim Morrison (the doors) / Bob Marley (bob marley and the wailers
Female vocals: sharen den adel (within temptation) / Tarja (ex- nightwish)
Guitars: dudes from helloween
Bass: Alex Webster (Cannibal Corpse)
Drums: horgh (Immortal
Of course it's not a suprise someone said that. I did becasue:

1: I thought by the thread name "the Perfect Band" you were going to write how amon amarth are the perfect band, and i would have said "Fucking oath".

2: This is the Amon Amarth forum you posted this thread on, of course someone will say it, i bet if you did this thread in the Dark tranquillity or Opeth thread etc... someone would have written what i did (with the correct band members)

3. I was fucking stoned at the time and listening to amon amarth, and it made me realise, there is no other band i listen to more or rock out to more than amon amarth.

I thought it was a good call haha ;)