The Perfect Death Growl!!


Hail to the King
Mar 3, 2003
Tha Nethalandz!
Today I discovered to do a perfect death growl. Just befor my girlfriend wanted to kiss me she opened her mouth. I acted like I wanted to kiss her too, but instead I screamed a (not so loud) death growl in her open mouth. This sounded HUGE!! Kinda like Mikael in bloodbath!!!

I think we're gonna start a band now and lead-sing together!!!! ;)

Try it and tell me what happened!
I've heard Eskimo throat singers will sometimes sing into each other's mouths like that. Kind of makes a cool resonating effect...
Sfarog said:
this place has reached a new low.

too many retards and 15 year olds..

15 year olds? Who said I'm fifteen?? And what's retarded about something funny? Oh yeah, I know, you're American, you guys don't have a sense of homour. That's why so many people get shot over there, all these serious assholes.....
record it and post it...but make sure when you post it, that you relate it to opeth...otherwise your thread will be closed. i wish i could do it...i have tried and tried...but all i can do is a whiny throat growl that hurts. you should try doing that while you are in bed with the dark...that would be great!!!!