the perfect noise?


blunt fanfare trauma
Oct 24, 2003
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Yes indeed, I am looking for good grind metal that take the best parts from the industrial/noise scene and merge them into one big psychotic mess. I'm not really into the mainstream industrial stuff, although a few bands have been good. Nothing new though. when it comes to industrial I like the more intense and abberant aspects of it. Early Einsturzende Neubauten I find amazing, as well as early records of SPK and Throbbing Gristle. I suppose if you combined something like E.N.,Naked City and Merzbow, it might come close to the sound I'm trying to gain.

I've actually just gotten into the Grind musics from a friend, and I've liked DIscordance Axis, Pig Destroyer, Atomsmasher and Dillinger Escape Plan, although their less brutal than the first two. Naked City is another, but only for their Torture Garden record. It's a very small list of likeables, but I knopw what I'm looking for, so I tend to head straight in that direction.

If anyone has an idea, or close approximation, don't be afraid to share with me. I know it's out there, I just haven't encountered it yet.

thank you all,

Try Watchmaker, Malkavian and Cephalic Carnage. Though you can't find that much industrial in most of their songs, these three rule big times. Let us know.

Thanks for the tips, fellas. I checked out the Scald site and found that it could possibly be something that would interest me. I may look into that one more fully a bit later. I've heard of Cephalic Carnage, but not those other two. Are they more of the extreme underground variety that will be difficult to search for? Any links perhaps?

thanks to you both,

I have a Watchmaker review up at Royal Carnage, you can click the banner in my signature. :) Also, there is a review and interview here at Ultimate Metal for them as well. I wouldn't consider them overtly industrial, but they are extremely noisy.