The Philosophy of Heavy Metal

Guardian of Darkness said:
With Prozak I get the feeling he knows what he's talking about but enjoys writing it as twattishly as possible, rather than is just hiding his inability to analyse behind nonsensical language. I'll give him that at least.

i'll agree to that.
Guardian of Darkness said:
With Prozak I get the feeling he knows what he's talking about but enjoys writing it as twattishly as possible, rather than just doing it to hide his inability to analyse behind nonsensical language. I'll give him that at least.

I guess I can understand that, too.
SRP is Spinoza Ray Prozak, the author of that piece and others on that site. I'm not extremely familiar with, but have read a few articles. The reviews are very shitty, and tend to be on the "everything sucks" side (why is that not surprising?) But for historical reference, that was a decent source. I think most of us here find speed and thrash to be almost the same thing, while the bands he describes as thrash would usually be called crossover. I thought the bit at the end about the future of metal, and the next subgenre/style/movement was intriguing.
I think the only reason Prozak continues to write this bullshit is because he's good at using ambiguous terms and pointless metaphors that he can get away with writing 50,000 random words with no coherency and he is still fellated by the ANUS camp who really don't understand what the fuck he's saying but pretend they do to gain inches on their e-penises.
ShadowOfDeath said:
I think the only reason Prozak continues to write this bullshit is because he's good at using ambiguous terms and pointless metaphors that he can get away with writing 50,000 random words with no coherency and he is still fellated by the ANUS camp who really don't understand what the fuck he's saying but pretend they do to gain inches on their e-penises.
That is so correct it's ridiculous.
I do not really understand all the hatred towards
I also do not like the reviews, because of them being hepas of empty rhetorics - atleast for me, but i always found their articles an interesting and good read, although they are a bit redundant.
At least this site tries to establish metal in the world of "legitimate" art, instead of being all about beerdrinking and writing shitty reviews like "this rocks and is heavy as a sledgehammer".

I think one half of the "metal community" is fellating the creator of this site because they think it makes them seem intelligent, while the other half hates this site only because they are anti-intellectual idiots who feel intimidated by its way of thinking about art and therefore think it was pseudo-intellectual and arrogant...
Freanan said:
I think one half of the "metal community" is fellating the creator of this site because they think it makes them seem intelligent, while the other half hates this site only because they are anti-intellectual idiots who feel intimidated by its way of thinking about art and therefore think it was pseudo-intellectual and arrogant...
Well, you yourself said it was redundant and full of empty rhetorics. That description (which I agree with) makes it seems pretty damn arrogant and pseudo-intellectual to me. In addition, the site is rather elitist and racist.


Btw, I don't hate ANUS. However, I do find it to be very annoying, cocky, and dumb sometimes. I do hate a lot of the people who worship ANUS though along with most of the values of the site and people who have most of the same values as the site.
Melodeath said:
Btw, I don't hate ANUS. However, I do find it to be very annoying, cocky, and dumb sometimes. I do hate a lot of the people who worship ANUS though along with most of the values of the site and people who have most of the same values as the site.

Freanan said:
I do not really understand all the hatred towards
I also do not like the reviews, because of them being hepas of empty rhetorics - atleast for me, but i always found their articles an interesting and good read, although they are a bit redundant.
At least this site tries to establish metal in the world of "legitimate" art, instead of being all about beerdrinking and writing shitty reviews like "this rocks and is heavy as a sledgehammer".

It's not a matter of trying to establish metal as legitamate art, but that by doing so Prozak throws in a lot of redundant and ambiguous language that only weaken his arguments.
Being redundant justifies not visiting this site or not reading any more of their articles after having founs out about the redundency - it makes the site a site with not very much quality - ok...
but does it justify all the childish ramblings about how shitty, pretentious and pseudo-intellectual it is?
It makes it a mediocre or even totally useless site - but not the asshole of the internet.
(+ i cannot REALLY judge the reviews, because i lack ANY education in musical theory and english is just my second language, although i have always good marks - i just can say that it is valueless for ME)

The same about the philosophy of the site: So someone has a different, or even completely divergent philosophy and view of life than you have - so what?
Discuss with them about it, and if your arguments are really superior you will be the winner of the discussion - that's way more reasonable than just bashing it - not everyone who has views you don't like just has them because he wants to rebel against his parents.

Of course most of the more or less fanatic followers of Prozak are indeed just pseudo-elitist idiots - but i already commented on them, and you have to make a difference between them and the initiator of this movement or the few people who are perhaps following it and still are intelligent.
I think Prozak's ultimate mission has merit, because if you look at metal as a whole, you'll see elements that clearly indicate the presence of 'legitimate art' within the genre, moreso than any other music of today, sans classical. Because of metal's hard-partying beer-drinking rock-out-with-your-friends atmosphere (which I love as well), the sophisticated elements are being passed over by the serious music community. So Prozak's work is a huge positive in this respect. Showing Vh1 and Rolling Stone that they know shit about shit.


Melodeath said:
However, I do find it[ANUS] to be very annoying, cocky, and dumb sometimes. I do hate a lot of the people who worship ANUS though along with most of the values of the site and people who have most of the same values as the site.

I agree completely. It's a shame that one of the premier metal communities has to simultaneously harbor such trash. I assume this occurs due to the difficulty of what is being proposed. To understand so much of both metal and classical and to be able to tolerate and synthesize enough of the metal underground and classical theory must make you a "superior person," no? The fact that so few understand metal so deeply is a testament to the rabble that is the outside world, I presume, and that is why the formation of a Nihilist Society was necessary.

As I've said before, I respect Prozak, and his reviews may be wordy, but they make sense to those willing to decipher them and translate them into useful prose. It's the ANUS society and the cunnilingus-loving shitheads on the BB who irk me to no end.


Just look at that thread that Planetary Eulogy started on the interpretation of art.
Read the articles on the main page for an overview of prozak's philosophy, they make a whole lot of sense to me personally, not to say i agree with everything fully.
ShadowOfDeath said:
I think the only reason Prozak continues to write this bullshit is because he's good at using ambiguous terms and pointless metaphors that he can get away with writing 50,000 random words with no coherency and he is still fellated by the ANUS camp who really don't understand what the fuck he's saying but pretend they do to gain inches on their e-penises.

...That's the general consensus. I personally respect the man for many of the things he says that I do comprehend, because I find logic in them.
I read the main site, and find his articles either interesting or somewhat redundant, but I will say that the main ANUS forum has been worthless for the last six months at least.
Cynical said:
I read the main site, and find his articles either interesting or somewhat redundant, but I will say that the main ANUS forum has been worthless for the last six months at least.

Instant Respect Level Up!
^Your problem is 1.) You're sixteen; you lack the education to understand most of the words there. Not that there weren't parts that I didn't get, but your use of the word gay to describe it without further reasoning hints at a rather juvenile attitude. 2.) Look at the bands you list in your sig. Maybe your feelings were hurt when Pantera was torn to shreds in that article. 3.) You apparently don't value metal as a legitimate art form. I, for one, am glad to see a piece written about metal that doesn't mainly focus on leather, beer, and drug use. Metalheads don't have a good reputation and by being so ignorant to what was said, you do nothing to put an end to stereotypes.