The Philosophy of Heavy Metal

Décadent said:
Okay, I havent read through this thread since I knew it would be full of bigotry and ANUS bashing. However, I don't think I'm the only person who's getting fucking bored with this "us VS them" idealism within the metal world. Heavy fucking metal is meant to be "us VS the rest of the world".

This seems to be a good time to post this:
Hm, i like most of the article in the last post, but the part about
how culture will collapse and he will drive out christians and jews by the sword is totally ridiculous.

But i agree on the dumbness of a "scene" that you have to belong to to be some kind of elite-person.
I believed in such a thing when i was small and beginning to listen to metal, but i had to find out very fast that the metal scene is infested by all kinds of idiots who search something they can identify with (and other kinds of people that suck, in my personal opinion).
Since that my enthusiasm for this kind of subculture vanished, although i like to go to festivals or concerts sometimes.

I think we do not need a "Metal VS the Rest" attitude, as Decadent said - definitely not!
The only thing that we need is, and here i agree with Decadent, less bigotry and more intelligence - as explained in my other posts.
There's a few good things Prozak has to say on life and heavy metal but I think he simplifies solutions too much and he often contradicts himself. I agree that people are not equal and some people are much more capable to do more in life than others but I cant believe they actually think they will reach a solution when inferior people are killed off. In metal too, they think metal will be better if they systematically remove mediocre bands. That's absurd, there will always be mediocre people and mediocre art and there can rarely be a society where every member will be of high character and ability therefore constantly creating good art. He says he has this affinity with nature yet ironically he says some need to be killed off systematically for the good of society. Are we all not a part of nature? Including those who are of little capability? So, wouldn't humanity balance itself eventually even with mediocrity and problems?

One point he raised that really got to me is that Death Metal has become a joke and lost its original intention because of its "the angrier the better" attitude. I admit that even death metal bands I like have this attitude like Cannibal Corpse and Dying Fetus for example. Well, at least Dying Fetus tries to be more serious because Cannibal Corpse and that faggot Chris Barnes are simply just shock value.