The Best of Swedish Death Metal

TSD and SotS are decent IMO, but the earlier material is better. I know it's frowned upon by elitists, but I enjoy The Crown - Crowned in Terror. I don't think it's great, but I find it enjoyable nonetheless.
I think it's decent as well, though I don't particularly care for his vocals on that album. I prefer Lindstrand's vocals for Crown Of Thorns/The Crown, though oddly I've never heard his rerecorded vocals for that album.
I think if Slaughter of The Soul was an EP with the best songs, it'd be ace as fuck. The song writing and style of that album can't go much further.
Stabbing The Drama is horrible and the absolute worst Soilwork album. Do yourself a favor and search out their early material. A lot of it sounds like a more badass ATG circa SOTS.
I've never understood what is so great about The Red In The Sky. If someone could explain, that would be nice, as that album failed to impress me at all.

It is a very progressive album; with more riffs crammed into it than most people can handle as opposed to the more chorus-verse-chorus structure of SOTS. The songwriting is done by an entirely different artist, though "With Fear" was somewhat of a blend of the two, but still mostly written by Alf Svensson. By then his logo for the band was being changed against his will and he was being pushed around more and more as the other guys wanted to move towards a more straightforward form of songwriting. Consequently he left the band.

Explain? Impossible. It simply takes time. Just throw it in now and then and maybe in a few years it may really hit you.

SOTS is a decent thrashy album by (in my opinion) a less capable artist, and while I like it, I hardly listen to it anymore. I have been listening to the older work almost everyday for years.
Slaughter of the Sould is fine. It's probably their weakest, but it does not suck. And I don't see why it gets so much hate. The Great Deceiver is probably the worst musical project that Tomas Lindberg was ever involved in.
I like At The Gates but I can't really listen to Slaughter of The Soul anymore, mostly because I've heard it about a trillion times. I still listen to The Red In The Sky Is Ours quite frequently.

On an unrelated note, I have high hopes the new Bloodbath material. It's about fucking time they released something new. The track they posted on myspace is awesome.
Left Hand Path is classic and lately have prefered Clandestine. I do like the vocals on Clandestine just think the album would have been better with L-G on vocals or atleast the vocalist on the Crawl e.p. Crawl should be reissued.

I dont know if it´s because i´ve listened to it so damn much over the years but i actually love Nickes vocals now. When i first heard Clandestine i thought the vocals were shit but i´ve really come to appreciate them.
He even does a thing which L-G never does.
For example "Freasing and teasing my MIND" in "Sinners Bleed",the way he growls "mind" is so fucking cool,he gets that sound on several places on the album.
And also,the madman laughter in the same song is one of the coolest vocal performances ever.
I wonder why they just didn´t credit Nicke as the singer on that album.

I noticed no one has mentioned Hypocrisy. Osculum Obscenum and Penetralia are great,although maybe not so "Swedish"-sounding.