Thanks guys, I'll have to look into some lenses in depth.
Any more comments on the Thinktank Photo bag I posted above?
Any more comments on the Thinktank Photo bag I posted above?
What's a good all-round zoom lens for general/multi-purpose usage?
I know that's akin to asking 'which compressor is the best?!!??', but I'm still quite n00b here, and need something to replace the kit lens with for day to day use. The 50mm is just way too constricting in tighter spaces and that limits its use for me, with all the indoor photography I do.
I suppose I should give a budget, but I'm somewhat unsure what the scale is here. I'm no professional so I'd like to avoid paying several thousand. Let's say sub-$1k?
Hey dude, shooting full manual all the time and mostly using a few off camera flashes (these were all two I think except for the black and white one which was none) synced with Pocketwizards.What settings / gear do you use for skate photo sessions ?
guys if you've ever wanted to take photos of the moon and you've got a decent zoom.. tonight is the night, it's the closest it's been to earth in 18 years
Awesome ! You made me wanna go out. Which lense is it ?
Now, my take, really shitty compared to yours, BUT, I challenge ANYONE to take a better pic with a D80 and only a 70mm/f/4.5 lense !
Seriously, I took 100 pictures, all were damn blurry... Excepted the first one, this one. You should see the non edited picture : the moon is a little dot. I'm surprised I got such details after zooming in the picture.
Thanks.. I used a 70-200 f/2.8 VR