The photography thread

Just found two pictures I've totally forgotten:


Wow, that's gorgeous! Would you mind uploading a bigger version of that for my 22" screen? :D
no problem dude ;) glad somebody likes it, it was more of an accident, never thought
that it would look that good in the end, and Camera Raw helped a lot :D
Shooting lots of pictures at the moment at my internship, they got awesome cams,
really cool because I can try lots of things before I get me a good one.

2576x1932 is the biggest I can get, here's the link:
new stuff

I did the photo and design on this flyer (photo is from Cancun). Nothing was added to the photo except for color/texture layers


senior ports. turned out pretty cool


did the album art + photo on this one

Does that senior portrait dude have any hands? :lol: Looks sharp, though something about it seems off to me (looks like the brick wall was shopped in, and he was superimposed on the background), though I guess it was all intentional - album cover is awesome though!
Does that senior portrait dude have any hands? :lol: Looks sharp, though something about it seems off to me (looks like the brick wall was shopped in, and he was superimposed on the background), though I guess it was all intentional - album cover is awesome though!

nah dude that's the actual shot I took, nothing is superimposed.. that's just the way it looks when I edit stuff

thank you