Yeah, the lighting is key to get the look. I'm using three lights and one reflector. One beauty dish front and above, two diy striplights as rim on both sides of the subject, back left and back right, and also a diy silver reflector front underneath the subject to lighten shadows and getting som light underneath the chin. All shot with cheap hotshoe flashes and triggers and cheap light modifiers. I made the striplights same day as I shot these two guys, they cost me about 20$. And of course theres alot of postprocessing done on the images.
Yeah, the lighting is key to get the look. I'm using three lights and one reflector. One beauty dish front and above, two diy striplights as rim on both sides of the subject, back left and back right, and also a diy silver reflector front underneath the subject to lighten shadows and getting som light underneath the chin. All shot with cheap hotshoe flashes and triggers and cheap light modifiers. I made the striplights same day as I shot these two guys, they cost me about 20$. And of course theres alot of postprocessing done on the images.