The photography thread

Joel I use a little program called DXO optics pro to remove chromatic aberration (the red/purple/cyan outlines around the trees in your image) if you shoot fisheye a lot you should check it out
So I was playing with my Canon EOS 400D and through the last week took some shots. All of them were taken with Canon stock 18-55 II lens, except one (the one at the train station with "Jelenia Gora" board) which was taken with an old Helios 44-2. I'm also trying some HDR and tonemapping, Photomatix is soooo much fun to use :)





I've been tending towards a lower-key style recently, how do you guys set about discerning how light to make your exposures? Not talking about exposure meters or looking at the distribution charts, just on an aesthetic level.

didn't upload anything in quite some time, shot loads of pictures but had too much stuff to do.
The one with the pigeon was pretty cool, there are more pics (one with two pigeons and so on)
but this was my favorite, not sure if I edited anything at all on this pic.


this is the biggest church in the city, looks pretty cool.


Going to shoot some photos today for a paying customer for the first time, recommended
somebody else but they liked my shots and I already did their homepage and so on, just
some location shots for a restaurant, but still nice.
Especially because I told them that I won't call myself a photographer, just a guy who likes
to shoot photos because I really dislike the fact that almost everybody around here calls
himself a photographer after buying a DSLR but doesn't even know what kind of lense he
Nice pics everyone!
I especially liked Nolly's portrait, really nice captured light!

Nolly, how's that Mark III working out for you? What camera did you have before? I'm thinking about upgrading my 7D.

The pic was used in an ad on a full page in a magazine and to me, it looked more interesting to crop out some of the head and the hand. Also, I wanted to focus more on the clothing and less on the model. In the original photo, the whole model is visible. But cutting the head is something I like to do, get's more interesting and looks better sometimes. Guess it's just a personal thing.