The photography thread

ahaha :)

guitarguru, I think you can do better. One of my first tricks in having a picture look better, is to put a quite extreme contrast, and make the dark parts darker and light parts lighter.

The darkest colour of a shot should be adjusted so that it gets black, and same for the white if there is. It's like increasing the dynamics in music.

You have to check it doesn't make details disappear. For example, your white flower is not well treated because it's almost all flat white, and you lost the details. It's like having a snare lost in a mix, sort of, you lost details of the transients :) The city shot is better, but try making it a little darker for the dark parts, increasing the contrast a little.

Same for black n white. Never let a picture just as it is. It will mostly be "dark grey and light grey". You can go deeper in the mood it gives by playing a lot with exposure/luminosity/contrast. It's like EQing :)
Some shots from the park a few weeks ago:

A shot I took this weekend as the BDSM Club here in town....
(ERMZ dude its more fat bitch content, just no nakedness, just fair warning :lol:)
