The pics thread

General ED is general ed, there isn't much difference between taking a Gen ed class at UIC or COD.

LOL my friend got accepted into UIC with a 3.3, I think my 3.7 should be more than fine.

People with 3.7 GPAs have been rejected from colleges before. Just because your friend was accepted with a lower GPA doesn't mean you will automatically get in. There are several other factors that play into acceptance into a university.

I'm sure you know what they are, but just be aware that shit happens.

and then you idiots wonder why I want to earn a LOT of money in the future. It's so I can visit places like above for at least 2-4 weeks every year.

I used to live in a place like that.
I do take offense to that. I don't see how I'm different from anybody else. Looks wise, I don't think I look tacky at all. I don't try to impress people with the way I look -- I dress in a manner that pleases myself. I feel no need to show off how "metal" I am. I have no problem listing bands that I like that don't fit into the realm of metal. I don't work hard to impress people and try to fit into the scene.

Some of the shit here is ridiculous.

I probably should have mentioned that this doesn't neccessarily apply to all metal chicks, but certainly most. My bad.
I had a 3.75 GPA and didn't get a single scholarship for college, I feel like I'm one of the few people with a 3.75 GPA to never get a scholarship, in other words I feel fucked over.
Dave, you need to lay off the hypotheticals and platitudes. The fact that you go on and on about everything is what bothers people, not the fact that you want to be successful, but the fact that you know that you're going to be successful when it's impossible to know.
General ED is general ed, there isn't much difference between taking a Gen ed class at UIC or COD.

the professors I've had for my GE classes have all been just amazing teachers. some of the most passionate and interesting people. whereas, all of my major professors (with the exception of maybe 2 or 3) have been bumps on logs.
Oh yeah, and the statement that unknown just quoted is blatantly false. There is potentially a WORLD of difference between the same course taken at a junior college and at a major university. Assuming that you've done just fine because you past the course in a junior college is a mistake. In fact, many major universities don't even accept many of those GE credits from junior colleges because they don't teach students what the university wants them to know.
Oh yeah, and the statement that unknown just quoted is blatantly false. There is potentially a WORLD of difference between the same course taken at a junior college and at a major university. Assuming that you've done just fine because you past the course in a junior college is a mistake. In fact, many major universities don't even accept many of those GE credits from junior colleges because they don't teach students what the university wants them to know.

well UIC accepts them and they are a top 75 top 100 university in nearly everything across the board.
Dave, you need to lay off the hypotheticals and platitudes. The fact that you go on and on about everything is what bothers people, not the fact that you want to be successful, but the fact that you know that you're going to be successful when it's impossible to know.

I wouldn't say that. People have been rejected from schools with higher GPAs.

Also, it's a 3.7 at a junior college.

When you get the acceptance letter and post pics of it on here, you can talk about it more. I am tired of hearing about hypotheticals from you. It's really trite at this point.

I love you. Tellin' it like it is.

I probably should have mentioned that this doesn't neccessarily apply to all metal chicks, but certainly most. My bad.

But, you have to realize that most of what you listed applies to men in the community as well. Dressing to impress. Trying to come off as more "kvlty" and "necro" than the next guy. Not daring to list music OTHER than metal that you listen to. Etc, etc. It applies to everybody, in any scene, regardless of gender. People will always try to fit in and appear more "insert scene name here" than the people around them.