The pics thread

I've never needed any encouragement to be naked. If I didn't need to work I'd probably spend all my time naked... well maybe not, I need to validate having the walk in closet as mine somehow

Posted as URLs for people's comfort. THESE ARE NOT WORK SAFE! If you or anyone around you right now is offended by boobies please do not click these links:
the fact that you have a beard and shaved upper lip negates any attractiveness gained from the lashes.
@dreamon: are you serious? at work (thanks for the warning) sadly.
I know this is probably not really worth saying but I've seen quite a few guys like you just said but I doubt your their type if you catch my drift.

I saw this dude walking out of the gay bar, he looked like erm idk dolph lundrgen or somebody but with a blonde woman wig on..... you'd want him right :p ?

Nah, wigs aren't my thing... I need hair I can pull. My ideal is probably like as stated young michael monroe (I go for high cheekbones, probably cause I'm Sweadish, which is probably also why I go for blondes)
I have been complimented on my eyelashes and fingernails. Parts of the body I don't really notice.
the fact that you have a beard and shaved upper lip negates any attractiveness gained from the lashes.
@dreamon: are you serious? at work (thanks for the warning) sadly.

Yeah... if I'm home and there's not company chances are 99% that I'm naked. My boyfriend is constantly reminding me not to cook naked... so if I'm cooking I'll put on a bathrobe or something. Essentially I don't see the point in wearing clothes unless A: It's something pretty and B: I have to go out so someone'll see it, though I'm also usually found in high heels (I have a nasty old ankle injury that makes it incredibly painful to walk in flats)
@ozz: i thought they'd just see your girth and not even bother checking for facial features. iirc if you slimmed down a bit you'd look fine.

this one
can't see below shoulders.
beard hides chin a bit - can't really judge physical girth from that photo. You might just have an ugly facial expression going there.
@ozz: i don't see anything particularly ugly. facial features are in proportional and in the right position.
another photo would help.