The pics thread

if every government or organization stopped spending money on welfare people, africa and the middle east, and just let all of them die, the world would be a much better place. we are not responsible for any of them; they are just a waste of already scarce resources on this planet.


Is anyone else baffled that someone who spends a fortune on hookers is taking issue with how wisely the planet's resources are being used?
no it makes complete sense, hookers make people happy and stimulate the economy. on the other hand, wasting money on those in the quote offers no real benefit and just allows them to breed more worthless spawn.

anyway this isnt the thread for that, here is an ass:

isnt that your psycho ex?

Nope, that's Megan, who was actually my FIRST girlfriend back in '08. We only dated a month and now we're best friends. I got her to join the juggling club shortly thereafter and there she met Adam (the other dude in the photos) and they are virtually engaged now.

Psychobitch was in Saratoga for the weekend.
lol her upper arm would make a nice christmas ham, man you've really moved on up women-wise

Where did the chicks who use to dig glam metal go? Girls around here where I live is only posing around in deathcore/black metal shirts, while im wearing Mötley Crüe. Haha!
So, one of the hard drives in my new Alienware died. I decided to say fuck it and returned it and ordered a new one. Long story short, after much smooth talking I upgraded the entire computer for a mere $500 and got a free Alienware backpack and chill mat for my troubles. Here's the skinny:

Original laptop:


New laptop:


$500 for an upgrade of 0.1GHz, 8GB of memory, 500GB storage and a 1 inch bigger screen?

Fuck yeah, overpaying.
$500 for an upgrade of 0.1GHz, 8GB of memory, 500GB storage and a 1 inch bigger screen?

Fuck yeah, overpaying.

Not quite. I paid an additional $500 for 0.1GHz and 2MB extra cache, 8 GB more of ram, 500GB of storage, 1.1" bigger screen, an additional video card in SLI configuration (you missed that part), upgraded audio system (you missed that part too), and a carrying case and cooling pad for free.

P.S. That same exact setup + the bag and pad + taxes is over $4k and I only paid $3k, so I obviously saved over $1000 by spending only $500 for a computer that is nearly twice as powerful as my last one. That's probably too much knowledge for you to handle so just take my word for it, I made off like a fat cat.
You're right, I missed the second GPU, but another GTX 560 is worth barely more than $200.

You made off like a fat cat? Man, Alienware makes money off of people like you who don't know they can make a better computer for a third, or even a quarter of the price. Why did you want a laptop, anyway, when it seems like your main purpose is gaming?

If you have the money to blow on it and it genuinely satisfies you, then cool, whatever. But don't act smug and cocky about it, which it seems like you are.

Oh btw, your new computer isn't going to be "twice as powerful." The only thing that would have a noticable effect would be your GPU's in SLI, which you would notice in games. 16GB of RAM is a lot and all, but I highly doubt for your purposes that your computer would even be using 4 at any given time, even with a bunch of programs open.
"Gaming laptop" is a bad idea. Higher cost for lower power, harder/impossible to upgrade, and you'll feel like an idiot plugging it into a monitor and USB keyboard + mouse when you realize that it's a terrible setup for comfortable gaming.

I mean, it sounds like a sweet laptop, for sure, but imo you could have spent the same amount buying a decent $500 laptop and then put the rest into a fucking beast of a desktop rig.
How can you justifiably call me smug when you're the one coming off like a snobby cunt when all I did was post a couple pictures of something that happened to me and I benefited from it? You're criticizing me, for criticizing you, for criticizing me in the first place? Please explain that one to me because right now, it does not compute.

I got the general impression that you were showing off and boasting, this was reinforced in my mind by the fuck yeah picture. Apologies if I misread that.

I'm really getting tired of wanabe know-it-alls like you who sit there and claim that they can build a computer like this for 1/4 of the price. First off, it's not true, not in the slightest. This isn't a fucking PC vs Mac debate. Secondly, prove it. Build an 18" gaming laptop with those specs for a quarter of the price ($3024.50), I fucking dare you. Don't worry, I'll wait.

It's not difficult to know what parts are good and how to put them together. It is possible to build a very good desktop for $1000. Not so much a laptop, I'll give you that, but in my personal opinion the idea of a dedicated gaming laptop is kind of silly.

This just goes to show it's people like you who keep shit brands in business and who settle for lesser quality and a lesser overall experience when you shouldn't be because you're somehow too "smart" to pay for the good shit. It's like buying a Honda for a BMW price. Why settle for the Honda when you can get the BMW for the same amount of money? It's illogical.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Alienware uses the same exact components (aside from their custom cases) that are commercially available for anyone to buy and assemble their own builds with. The difference is they charge a ridiculous amount more.

Is Alienware top-tier as far as price goes? Yes, I will never debate that. But they're also top-tier with regard to customer service, appearance, innovation, customization, and overall experience.


If you want to spend 5% less for a plain Jane black box, go for it. That shit is boring to me and I'd rather spend that money on something that turns heads and makes people envious.

I guess I was right, you are trying to be a cocky braggart.

I used to build desktops, but they're a waste of space and money in my opinion. I understand you can build a much more powerful computer, but this laptop is capable of doing just everything a desktop can do, but I can also travel with it by simply putting it in a backpack. I can take it lan, I can take it to school, I can put it on my lap in bed and watch videos, etc. Power and versatility > Power.

A laptop will never be as powerful as a desktop. Good luck overclocking to anything significant.

As far as the power of the new laptop, I never said it was going to be double, I said nearly double. I don't think I really need to go into too much detail here because I think it's fairly obvious that the upgrades I made make this new laptop much more powerful.

An extra 100 mhz in processing speed is nothing. 16GB of memory is overkill when you never even would have needed to fully use the 8 you had originally. Two gpu's in SLI is nice but it'll be limited by your processor which will probably experience bottlenecking since it's only running at 3.5ghz.

Anyway, I admit arguing over this is petty. Regardless of everything else I hope you enjoy your computer. I'm just bitter towards Alienware and other sites that offer similar products like iBuyPower and such.