@Trodden: I listen to music if it has depth and provokes intelligent thought (ie: if I laugh at it for being dumb or awkward, that is bad). If it doesn't, I discard it.
Those are the only qualifiers.
You complain about me being "edgy" but you are the king of edge. You should just call yourself "The Edge" and subsequently goad that shitty guitar player from U2 into suing you or something. And in your defense plea you need to make sure to make numerous references to black metal.*tips fedora*
EDIT: No, I don't want my assbabies to inherit anything from The Butt.
no guitars or drums, but this shit sounds Metal to me. Dont judge it before listening to a few minutes of it. When the kids come in that shit sounds evil as hell
What about Meshuggah? I reject all that 'djent' shit, that's not even a genre.
It's laughable to take Ozzy Osbourne seriously when he has been inconsistent on this exact subject in other interviews, in addition to the fact that he was the least involved in their musical element of Black Sabbath. The people actually responsible for the musical direction of the band would be more appropriate to answer on that subject because of the second reason.