The "post pictures of yourself" Thread!

No, I just realized that there was no standard for what typically goes in the evil metal goblets of doom, and imagined things that should never be imagined...

you look like a young old devin townsend in that photo jeff. Especially facial expression.

(by that I mean you look like a younger version of what Dev looks like these days, rather than dev when he was young)
No, I just realized that there was no standard for what typically goes in the evil metal goblets of doom, and imagined things that should never be imagined...


you might have been drinking from an evil metal goblet of doom but he looks like he's about the bitch slap the photographer...
you look like a young old devin townsend in that photo jeff. Especially facial expression.

(by that I mean you look like a younger version of what Dev looks like these days, rather than dev when he was young)

Hahahaha, good to specify these things :lol:
here you go you fools!



