The "post pictures of yourself" Thread!


Not very metal looking:heh:
But I gave up on the whole metal look thing ages ago. I can't stand having no hair, nor can I stand having really long hair and I shaved fairly recently before taking that pic. I'd normally have more facial hair but Gareth inspired me to have less:notworthy:lol:
I wish I could rock anything other than the clean shaven look, If I had my way I'd have a big Navarro style goatee...


Yes... there are rugs on the walls...
Guinness Book of World Records for Longest Piss Ever


Hahahahahaahahah, nice :lol:

And James, looking metal as ever dude, that hair is epic! :rock: Though the moustache I'm a bit on the fence about, but at least you have a decently full one! The thin one's are the worst, case in point:


And I've already poasted some pics earlier in this thread, but what the hell, here's one I don't think I ever did before:


That hat is some epic dockworker status, but fuck it, it's warm as hell and this was the middle of winter a few years back :D
Haha thanks, ive grown fond of it recently so ive kept it. Mines not uber thick because ive never really shaved it then grown it x100 but I can always do a few swipes with the razor if later I decide its time! :D
Haha, yeah, true that, no harm in trying it out!

And Tony, badass dude, and that's one epic t-shirt tan :lol: Nice guitar too - did you get it/borrow it for the tour?