The Power Quest Podcast returns

Cool PQ picture Nickstervarius...again!

And great with a new podcast, sounds like my question got anwsered! but i'm in a hurry so will have to check it out tomorrow...
My dad's a real whisky connoisseur, so he pretty much taught me what I know. Not that I'm a snob or anything. A fine Auchentoshan or Macallan will do it for me.

Nothing snobby about it dude, you have good taste. I hope we will get to discuss this over a Macallan or 10 in the near future bro!
Just sat and listened start to finish - tremendous podcast, best yet! Really is like a bit of fireside banter and great to hear everyone's views and preferences. And I love a Welsh accent, me :) Hearing Chity on one of these would be brilliant too!
I loved the part where you talk about day jobs. Up until recently
I (naively) never would have guessed that many UK metal musicians have to work normal jobs too. That changed when I realised that the muscular, long haired, metal looking dude that I work with is Chris Maudlin from Bal-Sagoth!!
He offered me a VIP pass for a Dragonforce gig back when they were on their second album. I Had to turn it down as I was meeting my (very new) girlfriend in Sheffield that night. Bugger!!