The PPUsa chatroom is open now!

Damn, I had just got in from the city last night and felt like chatting up the show. Oh well, glad to see it was a temporary mistake.
The Jediking said:
Huh, this is confusing. It shows that people are on but no one actually talks lol.
People sometimes sign in then go off and do other things and check back every now and then to see if anyone is actually chatting. Once a good conversation gets rolling, they usually stay. :) It's usually busiest nights and weekends, but there's almost always someone on.
It might be good if everyone who is 'idling' in the channel made a point to poke their heads in and check things out every fifteen minutes on the quarter-hour or something; that way if people see a crowded but quiet room, they can just wait until the next :15 (or :30 or :45) rolls around.
This thread reminds me of an old thread at the old Angra forum. It was called "Pictures of the Porto Alegre show". It just kept on going forever. People kept bumping it to the top, and when the forum got closed, it was up to over 250 pages. I can see this one as an apprentice to that... LOL
TheWhisper said:
C'mon in....unless your name is John. There's too many of them in there already.
Uhh.. Gary.. your name sure isn't John but you haven't been coming on in the chatroom in ages, what the heck is up with that?

Been missing seeing some other "regulars" around lately too, did you all suddenly find a life or something? Hopefully that's just temporary :lol:
Uhh.. Gary.. your name sure isn't John but you haven't been coming on in the chatroom in ages, what the heck is up with that?

Been missing seeing some other "regulars" around lately too, did you all suddenly find a life or something? Hopefully that's just temporary :lol:

A life? Or... a ridiculous GENERAL chemistry lab on "Electronic Absorption Spectra of Molecular Wires: Application of the Particle-in-a-Box Model"
I should have gone onto the chat and described the amazing capabilities of conjugated double bonds in cyanine and their applications in everyday life, but... who wants to hear the quantum mechanic version of why their carrot is orange?

Then again, I seem to remember Milton subjecting us to Poetry last week...
A life? Or... a ridiculous GENERAL chemistry lab on "Electronic Absorption Spectra of Molecular Wires: Application of the Particle-in-a-Box Model"
I should have gone onto the chat and described the amazing capabilities of conjugated double bonds in cyanine and their applications in everyday life, but... who wants to hear the quantum mechanic version of why their carrot is orange?

Then again, I seem to remember Milton subjecting us to Poetry last week...

Yes, last week I had to teach you guys some poetry about flying bananas hitting you on the face in the middle of a hurricane! Damn that paper, I got a B on it. :lol::lol:
Yes, last week I had to teach you guys some poetry about flying bananas hitting you on the face in the middle of a hurricane! Damn that paper, I got a B on it. :lol::lol:

And by the way, I love how Aki does NOT have a life whatsoever. :lol:
Hey, that was a great poem and you were suppose to send me the paper. B's not bad, especially since you wrote it while in the chat room.

Got in from Zero Hour/Suspyre last night at 10:30 and only dccowboy was left. Early night for all you kiddies?

Oh, BTW, Aki has a life....sort of, he's just like one of those undead creatures that requires no sleep. :zombie: