The PPUsa chatroom is open now!

oh please - you never saw Steve Martin's 'The Jerk'? ...when he gets so excited about the new phone book? well, that was me when Therion arrived yesterday in my mailbox.

"the new Therion is here! The new Therion is here!"

so I ran to the chat room to share my wonderful news with... Alicia. *sigh* she had to take the brunt of my excitement earlier this evening. Sorry, Alicia. :erk:

Gonna miss this Sunday's chat since I'll be up at B.B. Kings for the Meliah Rage/Metal Church/Overkill show. Have fun, catch up with y'all soon! :headbang:
That's just weird how most of the NYC metal shows seem to be on Sundays!

So only NYC folks have a good, valid excuse to miss tonight's chat, come join us :)
That's just weird how most of the NYC metal shows seem to be on Sundays!

So only NYC folks have a good, valid excuse to miss tonight's chat, come join us :)
Yea, believe me, it sucks. Don't know why that is, but it sure makes Monday's tough for a lot of people. Due to some "extended socialization" and a messy snow storm, I didn't get home until 5:00 AM....just as Matt was leaving for work in NYC. :lol: I'm am sooo grateful I don't work Mondays. :zombie: How was the chat? Think I'll pop in a couple evenings this week and see if I can catch up with everyone.
He's there again now! I wonder how much of a Superbowl chat will it be tonight, I guess we'll find out soon :)

So anyone who doesn't care about football or can multitask while watching the game, come join the chat fun.
Great chat tonight! Actually not a bad football game. Lotta fun checking it out live with people from all over the world. Really made it more interesting. Too bad y'all didn't get the commercials as well. We'll have to discuss them once they hit Youtube. Or on Myspace here. :headbang:
Missed it again! :cry: This time not for a show, but for some snow.
Just got in from VT. Had to leave early due to the storm coming in, though. :( Too bad I couldn't stay 'til Thursday and FINALLY got some fresh powder. Damn the day job! :mad:

See you all next week, hopefully.
Ashamed to say, I TOTALLY forgot tonight. Major obligations; but no excuse. Did end up waltzing in late at 8:45 and stayed until 10:30. Still great chat. Add this into you schedule! It's always worth it.
Hahaha, I was also a late-arriver, since I had houseguests and other weird stuff going on. Late-night chatters reprezent! :lol:

(I'll blame it all on Cradle of Filth, since that show was the reason for the gathering of out-of-towners at my house. And besides, they're easy to blame. :) )