The PPUsa chatroom is open now!

Oh Aki, your steadfast dedication to resurrecting this thread every week is heartwarming. :)
And he shows up for the chat too, unlike some people. Thanks for gracing us with your inimitable presence. :p

Seriously, was a great chat last night. Lots of people, lots of fun. :headbang:
Bored on a Sunday? Join today's chat session for some help with that - non-bored people are most welcome too :)

Personally I am hoping to see some people come say hi since with the summer festival season beginning here I will miss at least 3 of the next 4 Sunday chats (because of the Bang Your Head, Tuska and Ilosaarirock festivals those weekends).
Still in Germany for a few more hours here (which I'm gonna sleep) but figured to invite some folks in for the Sunday chat as usual with the other people, enjoy :)
Missed the chat 'cause internet connection in hotel at Kaiserslautern sucked.
Hey, Aki! having fun in Munich. Was a great time at BYH! Can't wait for Tuska!
Could you PM me your email address ? thanks!