The PPUsa chatroom is open now!

I daresay, it's time for the chat again. Where's Aki? Must be lost in the big city somewhere.

Join the chat! It's a lot of fun, sometimes informative and always entertaining. I'll be there soon....after I feed the cat.
I daresay, it's time for the chat again. Where's Aki? Must be lost in the big city somewhere.

Join the chat! It's a lot of fun, sometimes informative and always entertaining. I'll be there soon....after I feed the cat.
Here, here! It has been pretty crazy for me after the move to Helsinki less than two weeks ago still - first the moving stuff to arrange for a few days, then some Finnish friends over and another weekend summer festival, hanging out with a couple of brazilian friends for like 5 days, then got some Icelandic friends over and went to another summer festival, currently around is a friend couple from Germany with whom I was JUST enjoying a few beers at pubs. Had to get back home for some chat fun though since I missed last week!
Just a little reminder about today's chat session, looks like the turnout tonight should be pretty good so joining in already is much recommended!

This unfortunately might be the last Sunday chat I will be able to attend in a while thanks to the stupid timezones (7 hour difference to EST) and me starting my new job on Tuesday.. can't really be on for too long tonight either.

ahaha you were kinda busy at On The Rocks last week, hum? ahha Good times, man.. :)
Hehe yeah that was great times - I went to On The Rocks on Thursday again to see Tarot, you should have stayed a bit longer :p
Once again everyone is welcome to come chat some tonight, since the festival is getting pretty close I am expecting a good turnout! (And thanks to my new job I am going to miss the chat session tonight just like the festival this year heh)
Had to miss it again due to another Sunday night show. Epica was fantastic! Hope you all had fun. Catch ya next week.
The chatroom has been pretty active all of this week and with the festival in a few days the turnout for tonight's chat session should definitely be good. So everyone join the chatroom to set up meet-ups with others for next week, to wish everyone a safe trip to Atlanta or whatever :)