The PPUsa chatroom is open now!

So how about a little "I got my tickets!" themed chat tonight? :) (not that I personally could say such a thing though)

Already a decent sized chat audience online right now, I believe a couple of new faces made an appearance last Sunday, hopefully that trend will continue.
Yip and I never seem to make the scheduled chat, but generally when we pop in , Dragongrl and/or Freakchylde are on. Usually a few others as well. We had a pretty entertaining discussion last night for sure!
Those not too busy celebrating Easter all day come chat some on this week's edition of PP weekly chat session!

Personally I'm probably heading to bed pretty soon but hoping to catch up with some of you before that :)
I was away doing Easter stuff. :(

And, I won't be able to drop by the official chat until mid-June, since I'll be working weekends at the Georgia Rennaissance Festival at the Starfire Swords booth. Most of you locals already know where to find me. :lol:
Me too on the Easter stuff. Checked in around 8:15, but things had pretty much wound down by the.

I'd love to check out that fest, Paul. Looks like fun. Too bad travel expenses stand in the way.
With all the cool PP announcements lately there should be even on-topic stuff to discuss on this Sunday's chat :) Whether you wanna discuss the announcements or not: come on in starting now, already got a few people online.
GREAT chat tonight. For those of you who have yet to visit, you're definitely missing something. Note to self: visit during the week. Best chat for PP fans, bar none.
While y'all were chatting, I was freezing at the Georgia Rennaissance Festival. Lord, it was brutal...windy, very cold, with rain and a bit of snow flurries. I'd much rather have been chatting with y'all -- from home. :)
Time to invite you all for some chatting once again!

(I'm on a Helsinki trip and will most likely be around for only a very little while, hoping to get to say hello to some people before getting sleep in a bit)