The PPUsa chatroom is open now!

I tried getting into the chat room, but it says "several Java machines running in the same process caused an error."


I'm technologically challenged.

Means you need to lay off the lattés! :tickled:

Actually, it's giving me some issues as well...

Logging in... *** Looking up your hostname... *** Found your hostname, cached *** Checking Ident

...and then nothing. But I've never tried to log in with this computer before so maybe it's my problem.
Mac OS X using Firefox ... :confused:
I tried getting into the chat room, but it says "several Java machines running in the same process caused an error."


I'm technologically challenged.

Have you been in the chat before and not had this issue? Updated your java recently?

Not sure if any of this will help as it seems to be a problem seen by many and solved differently by most with others never finding a solution. Some solutions are a bit more technical but try this thread

it goes to the page where someone posted a comprehensive list of various methods to solve this problem.
You can also use IRC:

port: 6667 (default)
channel: #ppusa

I use mIRC for my IRC client, but there are several you can choose from.

I prefer mIRC over Java. Both work, but I think a true IRC client is more stable.
Sorry, was driving home from Worcester, MA and the Nightwish show. Was a great time, but I really need to get back in the chat. Hopefully, next week.