The problem with Tool

Originally posted by Board
I saw Tool live at the Roskilde Festival last year. On one hand it was good with video shit, but on the other hand it was complete crap. The guys just stood on stage without moving at any time and the singer just stood way up back behind all the other guys singing only wearing underpants.
The reason is because they dont want people watching a band, they want people listening to the music and experiencing the music. Personally, from what i understand of Tools songs i dont think its really appropriate for them all to jump around or make a show of it, that would complete go against what Tool is about, and would end up with a bunch of people staring at maynard when the songs are supposed to make you look inside yourself and look at things from different angles.

Lyrics? Having fun is allowed in music, i have nothing against joke songs ( or even entire joke bands ) but as long as it doesnt mix up with the standart lyrics. Joke songs belong as bonus tracks or something, not in the middle of the cd.
'Fun' is a part of life, art just gets to serious sometimes and doesnt allow it to happen, but there is absolutely no reason it shouldnt be in there. I personally would rather a fully serious CD, like Lateralus seems to be moreso, but whatever tool want to include they should include. I think the jokes again have a more serious point than you may think, maybe to make people open their eyes, expect the unexpected, be prepared for anything, to not forget to have a good time and look at the positive side of life, etc, etc. Tool are a very different band in their approach to music.. and i respect them.
Tool is genius at work. Of course they are not comparable to Opeth. What a stupid first post. This post should be called "The problem is me and I should bury my head in the sand in shame for not realizing genius when I see it".
Tool, I'm afraid are just one of those bands you `get' or just don't.

Some people can see how fucking great they are, others never will. It's just a matter of opinion.

I happen to find them damn good, anything but unintelligent.
Yes.....all lyrics should be unneccesarily obtuse references to forests and death to be considered creative. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Jayde
Yes.....all lyrics should be unneccesarily obtuse references to forests and death to be considered creative. :rolleyes:
:lol: :lol:
As I said earlier, the video stuff at their concerts might fit the music very well, but if I just want to hear the music I could put on their record at home and just turn the volume up or buy that video and look at that.
If I go to a concert I would prefer seing the band, feel the energy and so on. Tool's show at Roskilde didn't work for me. It all just seemed corny like they tried to act weird and mysterious and it all just seemed like I was kind of "betrayed". I didn't go to Roskilde to see Tool, so maybe I shouldn't complain, but I don't think the concert was any good. To me they didn't seem mysterious, just trying to be mysterious and failed at doing it, but that's just my opinion of course.
Originally posted by Stinkfist
To be honest, Tool are shite at festivals. I saw them at Ozzfest last year, and was really disappointed, most of the crowd were uninterested.

nice news, I'm going to a festival mainly to see them in a month


hopefully they'll be nifty anyways

Originally posted by Pieguy
I hate Tool, they're overrated, and bad players. The worst part is that mainstream fans associate them with progressive music, which they certainly are not.

Agreed. The worst part is that they command so much clout now that King Crimson is opening for insult of infinite proportions. If I ever see one of Tool's sycophantic fans booing during a Fripp solo, I'll kick his ass.
Originally posted by Cryptophile
Tool and Opeth are not comparable...Tool sucks and Opeth does not...

What's this crap??? heh??
How well do u really know Tool? Opeth has been one of my fave
bands since they released their debut, way longer than I've
been listening to Tool. But why the f*** compare these bands?
Are you trying to provoke? I think you are.

Tool is a great band, way different than most of the stuff I
personally listen to, but still very interesting.

"He screams for 27 seconds while growling with no effects"
Come ooooooooon!!! Who cares??? That's low.

If u don't like 'em: OK. But your reasons suck! :grin:

:Smokedev: Cheers
Hmmm, seems like everything has already been said. But anyway :grin:

I've seen TOOL live last year, also with Maynard standing somewhere in the back wearing nothing but his underwear and with this video wall that they always use. The first hour was OK, then it got somewhat boring, to say the least. This is music that probably works better in a small club...

I was a little disappointed by their new album. It might be a very solid piece of work but the songs are just not catchy enough for my taste. I like 'Aenima' a lot better and of course...A Perfect Circle!:rock:

There aren't that many bands who do technical stuff and yet write *real* songs with really catchy tunes. Opeth is one of the few bands that are capable of doing that. TOOL's videos are good though. By the way, if you got nothing better to do, play a TOOL video ("Stinkfist" or "Sober"), turn off the volume and listen to "Underworld" by Anathema (from AFDTE) instead. You will see that it matches perfectly. Just try it :spin:
Tool is very overrated. The difference between Tool and Opeth is that Opeth is engaging to listen to, and Tool is just boring.

Any Tool fan who says "you just don't GET Tool" is a fucking goon. I get them, the lyrics are not as smart as people say.

I read an interview with Maynard James Keenan in Rock Sound magazine and he's going on spouting all this anti-George Bush crap that stupid U.S punk bands have been saying for years and not getting anywhere.

Yeah, he's really fucking clever.
If you don't think Tool is progressive (with their last two releases anyway) then you have that concept of "progressive" music that most people who actually make the music despise.

There are a lot of bands that people just love that I really never can get into, but I don't understand the need to make a big fucking thread about it.
Well Tool may be boring to you but to someone else they may be brilliant.

Maybe you think that Tool fans are "fucking goons", but someone else may think that George W Bush fans who think that their musical taste is definitive and who post on message boards with names like "DogVomit" are goons.

See you at the Opeth gig, I'll be wearing a white Tool T-Shirt.
Originally posted by Despot
As far as I'm concerned, Tool can fucking die. There isn't a single aspect of their music that I find creative, revolutionary, interesting, exciting, good, tolerable, inspiring, intelligent, etc.. They are a fucking pop-rock band, but since one of the members has been sexually molested as a child that gives them the right to pretend to be "dark, demented and pissed off", therefore a majority of their stupid videos has to be censored, which would, of course, make them "cool". The same notion would also percipitate many people into thinking that Tool is an underground band. They are as underground as fucking Pavaroti. It's a sad day for music when a band's main motivation for writing songs comes from being fucked up the ass when they were little. So, I say fuck tool. Try listening to real music instead.

The funny thing is I hear the EXACT same thing said about metal every single day. Ironic too, wouldn't you say? I have to say that with some "underground" metal bands I have to agree.