The 'Promote Your Band' Thread Mk.II

Just got back the master of The Crucified Priest. Holy shit, this is HEAVY - I personally think that the chorus needs doubling up with the vocals, and one of the samples need to be cut (the first and third are fine, but the second breaks the pace too much) but this aside... wow.
New recording of the song Stopping at nothing from our new EP High-speed thrashing maniacs now up on youtube!
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Just in case anybody here is going to V Festival... I doubt it but you never know. Purple Elf will be taking part on the Friday. There's a stage set up by the festival in Victoria park on the Friday by STAFFORD train station. 30,000+ are due to pass through the place during the day and there should be a crowd of 5,000 for the music. SO... It's gonna be the biggest gig I've ever played.

Roll on V Festival for Purple Elf :)
Seriously? Nigh swan! Wish i could make it haha :(

List time:

Vindicator - We've pretty much finished setting up Black Flame Studios in Leeds, we'll be having our first rehearsal there on Sunday. Shit's so cash. Undead In leather due to drop sometime soon-ish (it's finished, weve just got the pressing to do). We're playing at Sheffield Corporation on August 27th with Line of Fire, Vortex and Deceptor and then York on September 30th with Patheon, then off to Black Flame to start writing and recording the rest of Black Sacrament. That'll be out next year. w00p!

Hypertension - We'll be resuming rehearsals this month, possibly as soon as Friday. Plenty of excellent speed metally goodness abound - hoping to have a demo recorded at the end of the year, but don't hold your breath. Seb is working on getting us a show or two in October so that we have a deadline to stick to, which should be good if a little frustrating (I hate deadlines). One of my primary concerns right now is recording Welcome to Dying for the Onslaught tribute!

Skullstörm - I've started writing a bunch of stuff that sounds very Bolt Thrower-ish. Lyrics I'm fucking stumped on, but the music is sounding fucking killer - we'll be getting our logo touched up professionally since the one we have now is just scanned in and we need it to look a little less rough (though we'll be keeping the overall design, since Higgins did an epic fucking job on it). The Skullstörm demo is looking to be out around the end of the year - if the reaction is positive, we might so another 'single' followed by an album (when we can be bothered). Distinct talks of a one-off live show have taken place, but that's stretching really fucking far ahead and we don't want to overstep it before anything's happened. Also, there's a possibility that we may record a track for the aforementioned Onslaught tribute - probably something off Sounds of Violence - though we're not sure whether that'll happen or not, and even then we can't decide which song to do. Stay tuned.

Bloodbrawl - Actually doing something. Rough-as-a-badger's-arse demos have been done that sound like they were recorded in a fucking cupboard, but despite being entirely instrumental they actually rule. Naturally these are 'pre-production' demos that aren't going to be out on any final releases - the EP will be done by the end of the year with any luck, with Nefasturris being worked on throughout 2012 and hopefully being released the same year, and I'm still searching for guest musicians to play on select tracks. As with Skullstörm, talks of a few live shows have been knocking about... well, we'll see. If that were to happen then it'd be recorded and released, and that costs money, and we don't have much money :lol: But rest assured, what's being done right now is sounding great. Recording the full thing will start within a couple of weeks hopefully, it depends when Verm can get my PC built.

tl;dr - Shit's cash, yo.
didnt work out with Dave from Virus but we are now all sorted with a new, more local, drummer and are almost ready to gig again.

we have the first 2 shows back booked for end of august and we will be gigging like maniacs through september october with the writing going on. Still hoping to have a full length ready to record in early 2012.

mega happy that we were able to sort all our shit out, thought we were gonna have to call it all quits at one point. :kickass: