The Questions for Danny Thread!

Originally posted by D Mullholand
Okay, how about some philosophical ones:

1. Why?
2. Shoes. What's the deal?
3. Frog's Ass. Watertight or simply waterproof?

1. why not?
2. feet? why bother?
3. both
Originally posted by HarmonyDies....
What are your top ten favourit songs right now?

road, nick drake
place to be, nick drake
from the morning, nick drake
tiny voices, greg graffin
moonlight sonata, beethoven
as baile, enya
far away, duncan patterson
cello song, nick drake
hindsight, new
childhood dream, new
:( :)
Originally posted by thebleakaffinity
What are your main influences as far as being a guitarist goes? Who's style and playing do you love the most?
just giz a good song and the proper style of guitar for that song, that'll do me. there's loads of great guitarists, most of them i dont know of. number 1 of all time is hendrix cos he was the most magic. :notworthy
Originally posted by 7 Dying Trees
1.Do you think there is intelligent life on other planets?

2.What about this one :grin: ?

3.Did you ever think you'd end up playing music for a living?

4.Would you do it all again?

1. yes
3.we dont earn much of a living chance