The Questions for Danny Thread!

Mick, are you going to release 'Lights Out' on 'Irond rec.' in Russia, like your previous album. I mean, direct release, not through 'Strangelight' or 'Prophecy', who, probably don't have with 'Irond' contract?
Originally posted by Mick Moss

There will be spaces where Danny could fit some really interesting stuff. I reckon 'Light Out' will be recorded sometime in the next 3 months and released accordingly after that. Weve already got it prepared and Im excited about this album - it'll melt ears and incite daymares.

I'm drooling at the prospect... It's refreshing to have a new band like Antimatter around.

Although I was hoping that it was already recorded and that it'd be out soon. Oh well, this news only lends more anticipation!!
Originally posted by discouraged1

Dammit, I wanted to ask that!!:mad: :bah: ......:)(remember the topic some months -seems like years- ago?)

..........Who wrote the Silent Enigma?

well, the music for the title track was jammed from some of my riffs, and vincent O'CONNELL wrote the lyrics. the whole album was written by me duncan and john and vinny, and lyrics by duncan,vincent o'connell, deryk fullwood, vincent cavanagh, me and john.
a good team effort (theoretically, you get different versions )
Originally posted by Hellrazer
question: is the picture on the cover of Alternative 4 uses photograph that was taken by Neil Armstrong when he first landed on the moon? Like that reflection in the Angel's helmet? If so, what's the significance of it?

i'll pass this one over to duncan...
Originally posted by Morpheus
What about a new single attempt?

When will Panic be Release-d for the Underworld :-) ?

What about the DVD with the Live concert at Greek?

cheers Morpheus

music for nations seem to have misjudged the single thing. pressure was "too slow" so they picked underworld, without a video. but i have heard nothing so it looks like its been cancelled, perhaps due to all the confusion about whether i would quit the mess or try to sort it (and myself) out.
we think panic should have been a single, or release.
next album is on its way, at the beginning at the moment.
ps jamie cavanagh is an inspiration, and so is les smith...

we are good evil...:Saint: :Smokedev:
the greek dvideo is not good enough for release, so rest assured it will come out eventually, haha!!!
i'm sure there will be bootlegs around. we'd like to do a proper live album/dvd thing but we'll wit till the next album is done.
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
Couple of serious questions, if I may be serious for a moment ;)

1. When you write a song, do you write the vocal line as well, or just the guitar parts?

2. Did someone in the band write that poem at the end of 'Shroud of Frost' (y'know, "Transfixed, I gaze through my window.....") or was it taken from somewhere (the reason I ask is that you had someone else say it on the album)? I must say, that whole end bit is one of the most amazing things I have read, the ending gets me every time :eek: (The whole singing-in-heaven-but-silent-when-dying contrast thing. Awesome :))

1. yes i often write vocal lines with guitar parts. not all the time though. i like writing with keyboards too.
2. i think vinny wrote the majority of that poem. it was spoken by deryk "dygga" fullwood.
personally i prefer the lyrics to shroud of false. i always seek the truth in matters of life or death, though i still dont know what it is..
Originally posted by D Mullholand
Umm... hate to bring this up, but please answer this one: is the situation with Anathema's line-up finally settled?

yes it is...:spin:

ps. jamie is my brother, and the replacement on bass guitar for duncan patterson. the only other real bass player we ever had.
Originally posted by pagan2002

yes it is...:spin:
come on danny! what about official statement? i think there should be one at least on official webiste. in news section of polish metal hammer (may 2002) there is written that you have left for good. please make thing clear for e v e r y o n e !!!!
there will be an official statement coming soon... its not just my decision, the other 4 guys have to do it too. it wont be long!!!:p
Originally posted by pagan2002

yes it is...:spin:

Wow, back to a five piece! It's been a while... it's good to see Les is a fulltime member.

Hopefully this will be the best line-up since the old Duncan days!
Originally posted by requiem

Wow, back to a five piece! It's been a while... it's good to see Les is a fulltime member.

Hopefully this will be the best line-up since the old Duncan days!

it will be...
Originally posted by pagan2002

it will be...

Last night I was lying in bed at about 2am, listening to 'A Fine Day to Exit' and just suddenly realising that you post here Danny. It was pretty weird, and really good.

I know you don't like people acting all giggly-school-girl about it, but I really have to say- Your music is truly incredible.

It's the beauty of this genre that we can actually get in touch with the musicians we admire.

I'm not normally the starry eyed type, but last night was one of many special experiences I've had with Anathema. And you're here, so I'm going to damn well tell you.
And I don't like this fake name business... Calling myself Requiem distances the true me.

My real name is Ben, I'm 22 and next year I'll be a high school teacher. I have a wondeful girlfriend of over a year, I live in a run down house with Uni friends, and I need a part time job.

Requiem is bullshit.....

So thanks Anathema.
fair enough dude, i feel like sending messages to nick drake when i listen to him sometimes, but he's invisible.... i aint yet!!!