The Questions for Danny Thread!

if you dont know what karma is, go to a, look for a dictionary and type in "karma".
or for alot more information, go to google and type in "the way of wyrd" or "karma" or something like that...
fuckinghell you should know it's not that hard...
Originally posted by pagan2002
i dont know of any score available, but the song is really basic. the whole end section with the violin is just Aminor,F and G.
the only other chords in the song are Eminor and C, in the verses. there is also an F minor just before the last part. the violin part, is all in the scale of Aminor so you should be able to figure it out. i'll tell you what, i wish we played that song, i'm going to try to make it happen.

Did know this all already, except that Fm in the 2nd las part! Thx!
It's great to hear that there is the hunger to play other A4-songs besides Fragile Dreams and Empty (which are great too of course) I think I've never heard other A4-songs live (maybe the first time I saw you, but I still wasn't into Anathema then (I just heared 'Deep' on the radio, and I liked it. And then I decided to see your show too (at graspop 1999?) what makes me an anathemaniac!) Perhaps you can play also some Eternity-stuff too?

Originally posted by pagan2002
if you dont know what karma is, go to a, look for a dictionary and type in "karma".
or for alot more information, go to google and type in "the way of wyrd" or "karma" or something like that...
fuckinghell you should know it's not that hard...

Hmm interesting... I knew the religious connotation, I'm sure there's a double meaning I'm missing out on tho... Ah well, I'll get over it ;)

Originally posted by Light
Tell you what'd be well good... if Anathema re-recorded Eternity, now that Vinny can sing... ;)

And if MGM could remake the living daylights with roger moore in

(eyebrow up - eyebrow down misch runnyfanny)
Originally posted by Light
Tell you what'd be well good... if Anathema re-recorded Eternity, now that Vinny can sing... ;)
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
The vocals on Eternity are soooooooo amazing!!!!! Don't you dare touch that album. My god, I can't believe that! :lol: :lol: Aint personal taste great :lol: No matter how great you think something is, there's always someone who disagrees.
well the people who wrote that album think that it turned out a bit dissapointing. i would enjoy re-recording most of that album but its not going to happen is it? still there's always the next one...
Questions for Danny if he could answer!

What would be your perfect lineup... singer, lyricist, musicians, drummer.
Who were the persons that marked you, as a individual and as a musician. that already worked/work with the band?
What was your major inspiration for Serenades and Silent Enigma ?(i hope you unlike Vincent still like your early music)
Do you like to write? To where do you usually tune your guitar (E B C (sp?))
I think Vincent was lying when he said that Oporto was his favorite place on Europee;)... mmm... that doesn't sound like a question
Do have an idea of the emotional level people get at your shows?
If you could reborn what would you want to be?
Whats your opinion about drugs, sex and alchool... all done at the same time??!!

f you could answer I woul appreciate. Good work!!
* perfect line up: hendrix, burton, drake, lennon, bonham, beethoven.
* i was marked deepest by duncan patterson.
* during the early days we were young and everything was new for us. this alone was inspiration. by the time of t.s.e i was getting into different stuff like pink floyd etc, so there was a change there too.
* i love writing and have recently been de-tuning my guitar like roy harper or nick drake. also down tuned like silent enigma sometimes.
* no comment.
* think our fans are over emotional people generally. or it seems that way when we see them.most of the people i have met have been very very nice.
* happy
* watch out, theres a price to pay!

:) Thanks...

But in the perfect lineup i was thinking of people that work/worked with Anathema.

Lead Guitar: Danny (if you did the Dying Wish intro of course ;))
Rithm Guitar:
2nd Singer (or background vocals):
etc etc:

Does your nickname have something to do with Pagan Angel?

ah! Why no more harshed vocals? (a la S.E.)
Danny, have you ever been to the Falkland Iskands? :grin:

By the way, I suddenly realized that if you hadn't "left" Anathema, I probably would not have checked out Antimatter...or at least not that soon. Prior to that I had no idea that this band existed.

About 2 years ago or something my brother ran into someone in Stairway To Heaven café in Utrecht, Holland. He thought it was Vinny, so he asked "Are you Vinny of Anathema?". He said, no, I'm his twin brother, I first thought it was Vinny and he just said that to get rid of my brother, but now I know that you and Vinny indeed have another brother -Jamie-, my question is:

Is it true that Jamie lives (or perhaps lived now he re-joined the band) in Holland? In Hoevelaken is that correct?

And is it true that Vinny and maybe you as well visit the Waldrock festival in Holland every year?