The Questions for Danny Thread!

yes there was, before the 1947/48 zionist invasion, when palestin was nothing but a farmers land passively occupied by England [if i remember well].

i myself hope there's nothing after death - total void. it would be a very weird fact anyway though. i mean, life would be total non-sense, and that would mean that all these spiritual stuff are bullshit :(

man, no offense but i think that if it had been proven, the whole world would have heard of it - i mean in a serious 'official' way. anyway in my mind it's obvious that there're something we people can't picture. just like trying to explain what infinity is to a horse - pretty hard.
We are full of energy and when we pass through physical death, the energy is no longer in our bodies. But it is scientific fact that you cannot destroy energy - only move it, so the energy simply moves to another place. Whether this is a good or bad thing we can only find out when our time comes. In a universe of infinite possibilities we may be heading into a fucking nightmare.
Originally posted by Mick Moss
In a universe of infinite possibilities we may be heading into a fucking nightmare.

or into an orgasmic dream. i myself think it's gonna be beyond words, something you can't really call with names, but then again who knows?
Originally posted by Mick Moss
We are full of energy and when we pass through physical death, the energy is no longer in our bodies. But it is scientific fact that you cannot destroy energy - only move it, so the energy simply moves to another place. Whether this is a good or bad thing we can only find out when our time comes. In a universe of infinite possibilities we may be heading into a fucking nightmare.

Yes, and the energy is given off by our rotting bodies ;) The only energy stored in our bodies (after death) is that of the chemical bonds which make us up, and when you die these are broken, releasing the energy... All our other energy comes from us burning glucose/fructose/starch etc. from our food, which - once you're dead - stops

If you want to believe in spirits etc., fine, that's cool, just don't misinterperet science to try and prove their existence... (that really gets on my tits :o )
Originally posted by Russell

Yes, and the energy is given off by our rotting bodies ;)

Energy's always trying to reach chaos. I mean you need some energy to put things together and if they brake the energy gets something like volatile. Maybe that's what people call "spirit" or this "electromagnetic field". But since energy is not something that stays together like a clowd or so I think it would just float apart and dissapear...
You can see everything, you just realy have to want to see it. If you thing long enough about something untrue at the end it gets true for you. Just watch TV for a few hours.. so many lies and nobody does anything against it..
I thing people try to find out what comes after death because they are afraid of it. And I think it's ok to believe in any kind of life after death if it makes you feel better... as long as you don't try to convince me that I'm going to end in hell because I'm listening to Metal :lol: