The Questions for Danny Thread!

Originally posted by Russell

just don't misinterperet science to try and prove their existence... (that really gets on my tits :o )

Actually, Einstein, I was quoting something I'd heard a REAL scientist say, not just trying to look intelligent. Science was never my bag - I left that to the nerds with hygiene problems :lol:
Originally posted by Mick Moss
Actually, Einstein, I was quoting something I'd heard a REAL scientist say, not just trying to look intelligent. Science was never my bag - I left that to the nerds with hygiene problems :lol:

:lol: cool :) I'd be very interested to hear the justification behind his claims tho - to me it still sounds like someone who doesn't understand Newtons second law of thermodynamics (every change increases entropy) using it to prove something it does, infact, not do ;)

Hygiene problems eh :err: Stereotyping :rolleyes: Tut tut... thankfully I'm not remotely nerdy, so I won't take offence :p
Originally posted by Russell

sounds like someone who doesn't understand Newtons second law of thermodynamics (every change increases entropy) using it to prove something it does, infact, not do

Mate, you really do need to get out more often!:eek:
Guess ghosts may carry a bad smell sometimes.. Or maybe even smell sweet.. dunno, all I've smelt is a dream or a nightmare.. can't seem to decide, maybe it's nothing or maybe it's a coffin for us to drink our coffee in...

My intuition is but a tear in the sea of blindness...
Thinking about it.. ghosts smell like the earth smells when 'tis wet.. I think ghosts ARE that smell..
The angel carried drinking coffee...
Originally posted by ANEBO
Guess ghosts may carry a bad smell sometimes.. Or maybe even smell sweet.. dunno, all I've smelt is a dream or a nightmare.. can't seem to decide, maybe it's nothing or maybe it's a coffin for us to drink our coffee in...

My intuition is but a tear in the sea of blindness...

( "...I'd rather die I'd rather be
Better unborn" )

I don't carry stink believe me :)
Sometimes I almost have a Baby-scent.

These things might go to the "i've got nothing to say" thread ;)
@Ghostie, But do you think that the smell is stink or that it is sope..tis not important maybe tis both maybe tis none..
only sure thing i'm not sure..
Originally posted by Eos

Paranoia :confused: ;)

excuse me but peole always want to believe their own truth. when a mind is truly opened, when the ego and normal thought processes are left far behind, then it can reach another place, and underworld if you like. the entities that exist in the different planes in our universe can be sensed, and that has nothing whatsoever to do with paranioa. it is pure science. when the truth is finally discovered (if ever) it will mean that science has opened up enough to cover everything.
the future and the past all exist right now.
that is science according to einstein.
now take that thought further and further and you can begin to sense the magnitude of what we are dealing with here. i heard recently that 2 thirds of the matter in space cannot be seen by humans. it is this dark matter (or antimatter) that can hold the key to our next level of understanding. it is beyond our shroud of (false) vision but it is there. mick was onto something when he said his mates dog has no idea who clive burr is. as for thats what they are. pure fucking science mate. as for chaos...
god, according to einstein,
does not play dice.

read "the wisdom of the wyrd" by brian bates
and "the bible code" by michael drosnin.

no one knows for sure, right?
good thread this.:flame: :Saint:
I saw this vicar once at the top of the stairs then I panicked and rolled over and found myself in a tent, indoors, with two boxer dogs growling and trying to bite through the tent. The vicar had glared at me with knowing eyes that told me a date without saying words and thats what made me shit one. I dunno what was happening back then but I dont think it was thermodynamics:confused:
i suppose that is pretty unusual...i wonder if there were any chemicals involved and where you were at the time. good story though.
Originally posted by pagan2002

the entities that exist in the different planes in our universe can be sensed, and that has nothing whatsoever to do with paranioa.

That "paranoia" thing was a joke ;).. altough the time and place for it were a bit wrong...

excuse me but peole always want to believe their own truth

Sure! That's why I don't judge other people beliefs when it's about something you can't prove or something which you can't understand (like religions or ghosts for example). I don't know if ghosts realy exist. Sometimes I have the feeling they do. Like when somebody near to you dies and you somehow feel that this person is still around. But sometimes I have the feeling that people are trying to find something "higher" because they're not happy with life the way we know it or if they search for comfort. And on the other hand other people try to prove that there isn't anything "higher" because they're afraid of it.
I don't know what is true and what isn't as you can't say if there really is a God or not. Everyone should believe in what they concider as *the* truth and for me there's no truth if there are ghosts or not. What doesn't mean that I do or don't believe in them. I just don't know.. But one day we are surely all going to find out...
Originally posted by pagan2002
excuse me but peole always want to believe their own truth.

Just like you are doing, what makes you think your truth has a higher validity than any-one else's. :err:

i heard recently that 2 thirds of the matter in space cannot be seen by humans. it is this dark matter (or antimatter) that can hold the key to our next level of understanding. it is beyond our shroud of (false) vision but it is there.

It's a lot more than that, and dark matter is not the same as anti-matter. There should be, in theory equal amounts of matter and anti-matter I seem to recall, and dark matter is thought to be due to black holes and something about matter coming into and out of existence, I can't remember quite what ;)

mick was onto something when he said his mates dog has no idea who clive burr is. as for thats what they are. pure fucking science mate. as for chaos...
god, according to einstein, does not play dice.

Yeah, but then how do you defina ghost if all they are is energy? Does this mean light is a ghost - thats energy :err: There have been lots of scientific explanations for ghosts, the most compelling is ultra-low frequency sound which can not only fuck with your mind and make you think something is a ghost but can make things resonate and move....

Also magnetic fields can cause the mind to do crazy stuff :)

"If antimatter and matter are exactly equal but opposite, then why is there so much more matter in the universe than antimatter?The idea of antimatter is strange, made all the stranger because the universe appears to be composed entirely of matter. Antimatter seems to go against everything you know about the universe."
Anything is possible and the universe might not even exist so it doesnt matter what books Ive read cos they may be a load of bollox.
Now, check this link out if you want to be educated!

Originally posted by Terry Armageddon
"If antimatter and matter are exactly equal but opposite, then why is there so much more matter in the universe than antimatter?

They are not equally spaced in the universe, otherwise there would be no matter :o Thats my limited understanding anyway :)

"This is a variant on one of my most profound pieces, the horse and yet not horse "Antimatter Horse". In this picture, the horses feeling is created using Anti-Antimatter, thus making this image that of a non-negative un-horse. I feel it is very cleverly done, I hope you do too."

:lol: :lol:
one for Danny: i remember from old interviews you were naming bands like King's X, Monster Magnet and Masters of Reality. if you like them, what are their best albums? or songs?
i think the best king's x album is probably "faith hope love" but the self titled fourth album is superb too. take your pick from their songs, but prisoner from the fourth album is brilliant.
the first masters of reality album with the pblue garen painting is great. but they've always had great songs. probably "the blue garden" is my favourie song by them, though we have covered 100 years (of tears on the wind) a few times and thats brilliant too.
monster magnets first album spine of god is their rawest and best album, but the third one "dopes to infinty" had some superb songs as well..the song spine of god has some memories for me..