The Questions for Danny Thread!

Suppose this is quite irrelevant but in case you've never heard of Diceman, try finding the book or visit the corresponding web address.
Oh and the funny 'thing', when you browse the web always wear the provided by our caring government, special condoms in all your fingers... I mean I just can't forget the recent AIDS-Bush fiasco yet...
Originally posted by MadTinus

About 2 years ago or something my brother ran into someone in Stairway To Heaven café in Utrecht, Holland. He thought it was Vinny, so he asked "Are you Vinny of Anathema?". He said, no, I'm his twin brother, I first thought it was Vinny and he just said that to get rid of my brother, but now I know that you and Vinny indeed have another brother -Jamie-, my question is:

Is it true that Jamie lives (or perhaps lived now he re-joined the band) in Holland? In Hoevelaken is that correct?

And is it true that Vinny and maybe you as well visit the Waldrock festival in Holland every year?
This is supposed to be the questions for Danny thread right? Danny, please answer my questions, I'm curious!
Originally posted by LilliMnstr
Danny, here's a question for you. What did you think of the States when you were here last year for the Milwaukee Metalfest? Any plans on coming back to see us sometime soon??

:Shedevil: Michelle

i think america is a sick country and i would never live there because all the advertisements and bad accents would make me wanna puke. however it is a country of some very good music, it is a relatively free place (with a huge invisible big brother) actually we had to stay in boston airport for over 24 hours because of storms and the security wasn't much. this was a month before september 11.
i think america was better before the white people came. however, seeing as the world is in the grip of satan, i would still like to tour there for a little while as long as the gigs were good.
fuck your white american god you dumb shits:flame:
Originally posted by MadTinus

This is supposed to be the questions for Danny thread right? Danny, please answer my questions, I'm curious!
yeah they are twins and jamie lived in holland for a while.
Hey Danny, how many kilos (or libras?) did the pineapple that you threw over Athens mad croud on your gig in Greece weigh? Man, it hit me in the head!!! :grin: :grin:

By the way, great live of the greatest band... :)
Danny, what Anathema song is the most emotinal for you, which one do you feel closest to?


If you aint got money I'll gladly provide a place to live ;-)
Originally posted by Russell

Just like you are doing, what makes you think your truth has a higher validity than any-one else's. :err:

It's a lot more than that, and dark matter is not the same as anti-matter. There should be, in theory equal amounts of matter and anti-matter I seem to recall, and dark matter is thought to be due to black holes and something about matter coming into and out of existence, I can't remember quite what ;)

Yeah, but then how do you defina ghost if all they are is energy? Does this mean light is a ghost - thats energy :err: There have been lots of scientific explanations for ghosts, the most compelling is ultra-low frequency sound which can not only fuck with your mind and make you think something is a ghost but can make things resonate and move....

Also magnetic fields can cause the mind to do crazy stuff :)


The 2/3 that you refer to is 1/3 dark matter, which is almost like normal matter except totaly different:p . the second 1/3 is dark energy, which is the dark matters form of energy like matters form for energy except, once again, totaly different.
And all this is just a blank and falming theory for some thing the astronomers can't explain about the universe. Without it the universe would have drifted apart a long time ago, i.e. it holds the normal matter togeather. And all this is so far from proven that you might say that it's god they're trying to find out about. far as I can remember
Originally posted by Dominika
Danny, what Anathema song is the most emotinal for you, which one do you feel closest to?


If you aint got money I'll gladly provide a place to live ;-)
its probably one last goodbye or maybe one from alt.4 like lost control. theres some new ones that are affecting to me because they are about recent subjects.
ps we'd like to come to poland as soon as possible.
Originally posted by pagan2002

its probably one last goodbye or maybe one from alt.4 like lost control. theres some new ones that are affecting to me because they are about recent subjects.
ps we'd like to come to poland as soon as possible.

Why don't you just take a short trip into northern norway while you're at it?;)
Originally posted by pagan2002

its probably one last goodbye or maybe one from alt.4 like lost control. theres some new ones that are affecting to me because they are about recent subjects.
ps we'd like to come to poland as soon as possible.

those are the same exact songs that are most emotional to me as well :cry:
Originally posted by Elmarad
Hey Danny, how many kilos (or libras?) did the pineapple that you threw over Athens mad croud on your gig in Greece weigh? Man, it hit me in the head!!! :grin: :grin:

By the way, great live of the greatest band... :)

sorry mate i dont remember that!
are you sure it was me? if it was i apologise but i dont know if it was me or not...:cry:
Originally posted by pagan2002

sorry mate i dont remember that!
are you sure it was me? if it was i apologise but i dont know if it was me or not...:cry:

I was kidding that it hit me in the head (of course),but yap,i'm sure that you threw it, i dunno what you've been up to that night :Smokin: and you don't remember it :grin: :grin: :grin:
I just found this thread, happened way before i joined but i read nearly all of it, very interesting, especially the bits about the universe, ghosts, after death and all that crazy crazy shit
tell us about your cousin that will be doing some
singing on the new record. that just sounds so
appealing to me... the family album
alejandro said:
tell us about your cousin that will be doing some
singing on the new record. that just sounds so
appealing to me... the family album

yeah me cousin is called anna and she is well talented. she'll be singing on the next one, as will lee from the douglas family. anna wants a career in music and is a dead good drummer, pianist and guitarist as well.
only 21 too!
its a mad mad galaxy :hypno: