The Questions for Danny Thread!

and what about... M u s i c? How do you think it actually works? What is your role in the process and, last, would you better define yourself as a musician or as a music explorer? .............. or nothing at all..............
music is a bit of mystery. you cant touch it, you cant grab it, you cant taste it or smell it. but its there. it has always been part of human nature. music exists in all facets of nature. as for me. i like to think as an explorer rather than a creator, i like the idea that music exists and we only discover it. but who knows?
what was your favorite childrens tv program and would you ever use a vox or a saw in any new songs? (saw= one of those strange instruments you wave your arms infront of like on the beginning of button moon...)
oo good...i can see those button moon noises making a come back meself - you heard it here first...what did you think of blockbuster :lol: (ive be trudging my memory lately if you cant tell lol)
pagan2002 said:
i like the idea that music exists and we only discover it. but who knows?

do you musicians have some king of plug in with the great powers, my dad used to repeat the same thing "There is nothing new under the sun, my girl, everything we write is already there, we are just the messengers".
heres another one:
what's wrong with religion?
you can't keep saying "religion is shit" without backing your arguments. imho it's pretty immature to say "fuck every religion", you haven't even been to india or china ffs!
pagan2002 said:
music is a bit of mystery. you cant touch it, you cant grab it, you cant taste it or smell it. but its there. it has always been part of human nature. music exists in all facets of nature. as for me. i like to think as an explorer rather than a creator, i like the idea that music exists and we only discover it. but who knows?

..think I need to talk to you Danny. Seriuosly. too many things in mind. anyway

ciao :confused:
Danny, I've got a question for you.
What is it with birds, mate. Any clue.