The Questions for Danny Thread!

Danny, what do you think of Marillion? In my opinion, Anathema would've been an ideal support band for them...
Hi Danny, in several interviews I read you really adore OK Computer. Whats your opinion about the albums they made after that? I myself prefer Kid A and Amnesiac, because they are lot more experimental, these are 2 albums of them I never get bored with.
Hi Danny, At the My Dying Bride forum there´s a discussion wether My Dying Bride, Anathema and Parasise lost should do a tour together (or maybe one ultimate gig). I would fly around the world to see such event (especially when Paradise Lost is replaced by Opeth or Katatonia). How do you feel about this?
Newfarm said:
Danny, what do you think of Marillion? In my opinion, Anathema would've been an ideal support band for them...

I hope you mean that Marillon would be more then honoured to support Anathema?
013 said:
Hi Danny, At the My Dying Bride forum there´s a discussion wether My Dying Bride, Anathema and Parasise lost should do a tour together (or maybe one ultimate gig). I would fly around the world to see such event (especially when Paradise Lost is replaced by Opeth or Katatonia). How do you feel about this?
Honestly, i don't think it would fit anymore, musically that is. Those days are gone, and i'm gald Anathema did chose another way than the other two bands.
I've a question. What exactly is Anathema's deal with KOCH records in America? Is there any way you can get away from them and go to a better distibutor?

They seriously don't seem to be doing their job at all. Your latest record was supposed to be out in Feb. over here, and I've yet to see a copy ANYWHERE! Even the local metal shop only has copies of the MFN digi version. They did have you guys up on the "soon to be released" board, but I don't think they ever got the KOCH version in. I never see any Anathema CD's in any store, whatsoever, with the exception of that ONE metal shop and the Relapse shop in Philly (and they only get the imports in). This means Best Buy, Borders, Barnes and Noble, Tower Records, Sam Goody and about a dozen or so FYE's in the area. Come to think of it, I've never seen AFDTE in any shops either. I had to order my copy. I remember when Fierce was handling things it was easy to find your CD's. Now it's next to impossibe.

By comparison, William Hung (the She-Bangs first round reject from American Idol), essentially a novelty act and cruel joke on the handicapped (whether it be the performer himself or those stupid enough to purchase it), and also signed to KOCH Records, has released a CD and you can find stacks of that CD at the checkout counter in just about any store. Also a retarded joke, Opeth, who are on KOCH as well, seem to have plenty of CD's in shops too.

What the fuck!? You guys are so much fucking better than that, and you deserve a label that is going to give you the push that you've worked so hard for all these years. Drop those dickheads, 'cause like, seriously, I want to see you guys to really well and tour over here. It could happen if you had a decent label working to get the word out. I think there are a LOT of people who would be into Anathema if they just heard it. I've never net one person who didn't think you guys were great after hearing just one song, any song (well, except Anyone, Anywhere as I do not play that song to people).
well i guess you have echoed some of our thoughts with that post there. thanks for your consideration. soon we will be checking our options and working out what our next move will be.
MoonsOfJupiter said:
Here's a few questions:

What age did you start playing the guitar and piano? Did you have lessons or anything and have you studied theory or composition? Were you in any bands before Anathema?
about the time of live aid in 1985 was when i got into it all. the bloke from dire straits got me into gutar. never had proper lessons but did study music in school, though it didn't concentrate on guitar.