Ya know, I do vaguely recall hearing something about that. How fast was the truck going?
My favorite Metalfest memory is of the one in '97.
I was wearing some Nailbomb shirt, with crossed off swasticas and klansmen and whatever going down the sleeves. I was sitting down and some big, dumb, drunken skinhead asshole comes walking by and notices it. He says "I don't like your shirt. I don't like you. Unga bunga something yabbadabbadoo (note:he did not literally speak in caveman, but may as well have)". Then he kept challenging me to a fight outside. I did like nothing to provoke him either, well, besides maybe laugh at him the whole time. He was trying to stare down my friends as well, which worked as they are pussies.
Anyway, I went outside and waited around and took notice of his big,fat, giant "girl"friend hobbling around outside, but he was nowhere in sight. I was a bit disappointed. I mean, I'm not really THAT violent of a person, but this guy was really fucking asking for it.
A few weeks later I learned that right after I had the initial confrontation with this idiot, a bunch of skinheads tried fighting with the straightedge bands and got kicked out of the entire fest accordingly. Later that day, a few blocks away, a homeless black man was found dead, with a swastica carved into his chest.
Fun times.