The Questions for Danny Thread!

Hey Danny, do you remember at the Milwuakee (too intoxicated to spell proper) Metalfest 2000, when some moaning guy with corpsepaint and covered in blood, his own, got wheeled out on a stretcher and that black security guard yelled out "What tha FUCK!!!!!"?

THems is some good times.
hey! I was wondering about something that is written inside the booklet of A Natural Disaster:
"I never wanted this.I love you but my time has come.It's nobody's fault. These things happen for a reason."
I think I've heard/seen that before but can't remember where..Could you enlighten me? Anyone?:)
Hah, the Milwaukee Metal Fest in 2000, what a good time...

@Lord I.: Did you hear about the gutter punk chick that got hit by a truck outside the arena and she ran from the paramedics? I was waiting in line outside and I witnessed the whole thing...she was all covered in blood and everything...

@Danny: Do you remember a 'zine called Toxic Shock Syndrome? I was with my friend and he gave you a copy. It was written by another friend of ours and he had us pass them out the first night of the 'fest.
Ya know, I do vaguely recall hearing something about that. How fast was the truck going?

My favorite Metalfest memory is of the one in '97.

I was wearing some Nailbomb shirt, with crossed off swasticas and klansmen and whatever going down the sleeves. I was sitting down and some big, dumb, drunken skinhead asshole comes walking by and notices it. He says "I don't like your shirt. I don't like you. Unga bunga something yabbadabbadoo (note:he did not literally speak in caveman, but may as well have)". Then he kept challenging me to a fight outside. I did like nothing to provoke him either, well, besides maybe laugh at him the whole time. He was trying to stare down my friends as well, which worked as they are pussies.

Anyway, I went outside and waited around and took notice of his big,fat, giant "girl"friend hobbling around outside, but he was nowhere in sight. I was a bit disappointed. I mean, I'm not really THAT violent of a person, but this guy was really fucking asking for it.

A few weeks later I learned that right after I had the initial confrontation with this idiot, a bunch of skinheads tried fighting with the straightedge bands and got kicked out of the entire fest accordingly. Later that day, a few blocks away, a homeless black man was found dead, with a swastica carved into his chest.

Fun times.
Hey Danny, when playing 2000 & Gone live, why don't you try doing it just like it is on the CD? with Vinny on acoustic like, cos to me that sounds bloody great on the album, the current live version is good, but i just reckon the cd version is perfect
Lord Ilpalazzo said:
Ya know, I do vaguely recall hearing something about that. How fast was the truck going?

My favorite Metalfest memory is of the one in '97.

I was wearing some Nailbomb shirt, with crossed off swasticas and klansmen and whatever going down the sleeves. I was sitting down and some big, dumb, drunken skinhead asshole comes walking by and notices it. He says "I don't like your shirt. I don't like you. Unga bunga something yabbadabbadoo (note:he did not literally speak in caveman, but may as well have)". Then he kept challenging me to a fight outside. I did like nothing to provoke him either, well, besides maybe laugh at him the whole time. He was trying to stare down my friends as well, which worked as they are pussies.

Anyway, I went outside and waited around and took notice of his big,fat, giant "girl"friend hobbling around outside, but he was nowhere in sight. I was a bit disappointed. I mean, I'm not really THAT violent of a person, but this guy was really fucking asking for it.

A few weeks later I learned that right after I had the initial confrontation with this idiot, a bunch of skinheads tried fighting with the straightedge bands and got kicked out of the entire fest accordingly. Later that day, a few blocks away, a homeless black man was found dead, with a swastica carved into his chest.

Fun times.

About the girl getting hit by a truck, I think she wandered out into the road(she was probably on heroin or something). The truck wasn't going too fast, if I remember correctly.

Wow, that's a fucking messed up story about those skinheads (especially about the man who was murdered). I noticed that element there the year I went-like a couple of rednecks wearing stuff with lightning bolts.

My favorite story from 2000 is my friends and I were watching Entombed and we noticed this big meathead guy throwing people around and intentionally trying to hurt someone. If this tells you anything about the dude, he had a Nike swoosh(tika) tatooed on his arm. One of my friends spit on him any time he came towards us, then about five of us shoved him so he fell on the floor and slid into a puddle of beer.
Idiots at concerts should be destroyed. I especially hate crowd surfers and people who swing their arms around. At a Satryicon show 3 years ago, some dickhead started doing some windmill move and knocked the cigarrette out of my hand, causing me to loose my temper and whack him in the face. Fucking bastard.

When Entombed was on, you should have left and gone out to the hall around that stage. My friends and I ran into Danny and had a conversation with him when Entombed was playing. That's also when that guy on the stretcher thing happened. Actually, I kept running into Danny, and most of the other guys in Anathema the whole time. They were everywhere. I think Vinny believed us to be stalker fanboys as everytime I went somewhere he was already there and he gave a look saying "These assholes are following me, aren't they!!!". Oh well. It wasn't my intention.
Well, I also had that strange deja-vu impression.
At that time, I think I realised it has something to deal with "a fine day to exit" album (maybe the hidden track if I remember well).
I will try to get the exact information tonight, if I don't forget because it is one of my biggest problem now : I always forget things I have to do.
What's your favorite track off Alternative 4? I know the majority of the music was written by Duncan, but seeing that you obviously had to put your 1337 guitar sk331z, you probably have some bias towards a song or two...

My personal favorite is Lost Control, followed by Regret and the title track.

One last question... any idea if you guys will ever get Duncan to grace the live setting and play some Alternative 4 tracks with you??
If i was a top surgeon, i would definately connect somebodys bowels to their belly button, and move their taste buds into their arse just for a laugh..... So Danny, if you were a surgeon, what immoral practical jokes would you play if Duncan Patterson was out cold on a general anesthetic on the operating table in front of you......?

* Evil laughter......