The Questions for Danny Thread!

interesting: as i was digging through my old Anathema news archive, i saw a couple of places where you mentioned a song called "a fleeting glimpse" -- in the august 2000 new songs preview and in the preliminary AFDTE song list. what happened to that song? was it recorded? will it be released? what was it like?

also, what about the "intro" for AFDTE? it was also mentioned there.
Originally posted by D Mullholand
interesting: as i was digging through my old Anathema news archive, i saw a couple of places where you mentioned a song called "a fleeting glimpse" -- in the august 2000 new songs preview and in the preliminary AFDTE song list. what happened to that song? was it recorded? will it be released? what was it like?

"A fleeting glimpse"!?!?!:spin: thats a bit too obvious/cheesy/pinkfloydthewallsmoketheweedla:Puke:
Thank god it wasnt used
oh~Jamie and Vinnie are twin brothers?
that's why Jamie looks like Vinnie very much..
I thought Jamie were Vinnie when I saw their pic 1st time~
but looked clearly,there were 2 vinnies in the pics ~haha~
who's elder?:lol:
i'll be the judge of me own songs thank you...AFG was gonna be childhood dream but at the time i didnt want to use that title, though now i probably will
Originally posted by MadTinus

About 2 years ago or something my brother ran into someone in Stairway To Heaven café in Utrecht, Holland. He thought it was Vinny, so he asked "Are you Vinny of Anathema?". He said, no, I'm his twin brother, I first thought it was Vinny and he just said that to get rid of my brother, but now I know that you and Vinny indeed have another brother -Jamie-, my question is:

Is it true that Jamie lives (or perhaps lived now he re-joined the band) in Holland? In Hoevelaken is that correct?

And is it true that Vinny and maybe you as well visit the Waldrock festival in Holland every year?
Danny, could you please answer these questions (no hurry and all, just curious...), thanks!
there will be no winner. the world will lose. if you want freedom so much i suggest you go to jerusalem and see the bomb victims for yourself..hundreds of six inch nails ripping through little girls and boys...real freedom that is (NOT)


(roger waters 1991)

evil against evil
there are people who go to holyday to Jerusalem or Tel Aviv, but as far as i know none goes to Gaza or Ramallah. yeah, none goes to Cis-jordania in holyday, because it's WAR there.

yeah yeah, right, all in all is people killing people. but it would be lying to say that you don't see an opressed country and an opressing country. when Israel kills, call it 'security measures', when Palestin kills call it 'obnoxious terrorist act'.

now imagine like you're a Palestinian, you're named Saeed, you're 26, you don't have a job, your young brother has been killed by israel soldiers while throwing stones at a tank, your mum has been raped, and the army destroyed your house. you're born in a country where your parents, your grandparents, and the parents of your grandparents were born, have lived, died and are burried. picture that some foreign army says 'okay it's not your country anymore it's ours'.

now, honestly, tell me, what would you do?

there's no excuse in killing people, but there're certainly reasons you can at least understand. yeah yeah, killing people is mean and naughty, but there are some people on this earth who's got nothing to loose.

if you really want to know what's going on there, i highly advice you to turn off your partial tv and to go to some websites like this one :

Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
you're born in a country where your parents, your grandparents, and the parents of your grandparents were born, have lived, died and are burried. picture that some foreign army says 'okay it's not your country anymore it's ours'.

now, honestly, tell me, what would you do?

Youre dead right about the media an 'all but I thought that was obvious to anyone with half a brain. Its not at all right when an oppressive force takes control of another land. Theres no excuse for murdering civilians though. A lot of these people are born into it and 'really dont' know any better. Just like a lot of westerners dont know anything past the TV or newspaper. The worlds shit dadi, pick me up at half two!

An Phoblacht Abú!

"There can never be peace in the land until the foreign, oppressive presence is removed"