the quotes that made the Norwigian Black Metal


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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this is something me and my friends did (yes, we are bored, and we like it!!)

true quotes, people!

"Our Tour will be a feast of evil! we will play with an evil metal band from England, Cradle of Filth, probably we will masacare some animals on stage too"
(Ishan from Emperor before their first tour in 1994)

"When we were little kids, we used to chase after old women in the street wearing corpse paint and we talked like we;re from hell to people on the phone"
(Immortal share childhood memories to Terrorizer in 1999)

"i dont give a shit about Undergroud! do you really expect me to sit all day and write letters? "
(Satyr from Satyricon)

"lets just say we dont like black people in our music"
(Hellhammer, Mayhem's drummer, and a proud morrocan)

"Yeah Fucking Evil!!"
(The American audience go wild in Immortal's show in the States, when Abot asks the soundman to raise the Volum and spoke Norwigian by mistake"

"what do i think about Dead in Mayhem? well, what can you possibly say about someone who can starve himself to death for days, just to see how his body will look like? i've always wanted someone like that in my band"
(Euronymous, interview in 1988!!!)

"i hope that a lot of people will hate me after this interview and take it personal.
people suppose to hate us, after all, we have never meant to form a band that people will like"
(Euronumous confesses, interview from 1992)

"i think its a big turn on to walk down the street and kick little kids"
(Burzum, 1992, )

"Dead used to burry his clothes under ground 3 days before the show so they will smell like dirt, on stage he used to keep a bag with a dead crow, and once in a while he used to smell it, just to smell death"
(Hellhammer describes the preperations to their show in Leipzig)

Q: are you proud to be the new bass player for Mayhem?
A: "yes, im proud like a goat!"
(Varg, interview from 1992)

"Problem with most Norwigian bands is that their singer sounds like Popay"
(Cronos from Venom shares his thoughts in 1999)

"those stupid people have to be scared of black metal! instead they go and listen to shit like Deicide, napalm Death, Sepultura and all that shit!"
(Eronymous to a live interview)

well, i have some more, but feel free to look in old magazines and search for some more quotes that made the BLACK METAL!

lets live for satan, hear hear!
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One of my favourites:

"Skjold Church was a large wooden church about 100 years old. The church contained an altar board and preaching chair from the 16th century. All this was said to be of historical, Christian value. So it was to be reduced to a pile of ashes."
-- Ihsahn/Emperor
fenriz is a goldmine of funny quotes. here are two from the same interview:

"Some words for French B.M.?
Stop eating frogs! It's simply ridiculous!"

"Why have you left Peaceville?
Because they started to work against Dark Throne. By doing that they work against all antichrists in the universe."

"...our goal is to make our 3rd album [Panzerfaust] so evil and raw that every flower in the garden to those who buy it, will rot. We are working on raping your soul."
-- Nocturno Culto

"...we really hope that many trendies who thinks we’re stupid will come and visit us, so we can cut them up to small pieces and shit on them."
-- Nocturno Culto
From Erik's interview with Fenriz...

On discussing choice of language for lyrics:

"I can use both languages in one lyric now, I don't give a fuck anymore. It's just adding to the whole psychosis of it. And also, it's a little bit like the lyrics are about kicking, and it's not gonna be pleasant for anyone to write the lyrics, whether it'd be a satanist or a christian, or myself: I'm kicking a lot, but I'm kicking myself the most."

On Erik admitting to never having heard of the band Vulcano:

"Ooh... Bad boy! You need a spanking!"

"We only sign bands that represent pure EVIL"
(Eronymous, 1993)

"We want to turn Norway to be a perfect place .. like HELL! we have a group of militants that will take care of that... we shall not stop untill all those LIFE METAL bands will split up or die..."
(Bard Faust, as the new tour guid of Norway, in 1993)

"We will never play live because i am too misanthrope"
(Fenriz, admits)

"I prefer to sit at home and cut myself instead of going out to parties"
(Eorunymous explains why he was not popular in school)

"We wont have logo condoms like Dimmu Borgir"
(Satyr from Satyricon in 2001)

"Guitars are for my pals"

"why cant we get some legal snuff movies around here?"
(Bard Faust asks Euronymous a legitimate question)
1992 interview with Varg Vikernes, Putrefaction zine #7 (excerpts)

First of all, are Burzum a one man band?
Hm.. First of all I am not a man!! But yes I am the only horny being in Burzum.

What do you think of that Entombed are in Swedish television, and on the money making MTV?
I have always hated Entombed! I guess their second LP is better than Left Hand Path. I hope that for Entombed.. Left Hand Path is the bottom of shitty death metal!! False people shouldn't be anywhere!! By the way it's not MTV. It's NTV "my pals tele vision".

What do you want to do with all false people?
Rip their little sisters heads off, then fuck them in their throat!!! Necro pedo dhilt rules!!!

Future plans and last shit?
Abruptum must be norwegian!! Future plans: Make war with Sweden!!!!

Even the intro for this interview is funny in its own way...

Burzum the new black metal group from Norway! Oh, their LP are just fucking great! I hope you have bought it from DSP? If you not own this record, you has missed a very good black metal album!! The music Burzum are playing are real atmospheric, and we can describe them to sound like: Bathory, Celtic Frost and Mayhem in their old times... Well, now to the interview....

What was the Euronymous quote about needing more terrorists?
All the other interviews that used to be on I thought were good to bloody good, very informative. This one though is just silly, gotta love it :p
QUOTE I support all dictatorships. Stalin, Hitler, Ceaucescu... and I will become the dictator of Scandinavia myself. I'm a Viking, and we're supposed to fight. Make war, not love...right? A tiny bit of the Viking spirit lives on, and I'm part of it. I hate peace and love. Fucking stupid people walking around and loving each other. We're supposed to make war.

QUOTE "There is no such thing as mindless violence," comments Vikernes. "Just to walk down the street and kick a boy is stimulating."
Varg is making fun at Euronymous from Jail.


i dont know what about you guys, but he reminds me of Hitler...