Movie Quotes

bloodfiredeath said:
JayKeeley, if you're a horror fan like you say, this one should be easy for you.

"Woe be unto him who opens one of the seven gateways to Hell, because through that gateway, evil will invade the world."


Did you know that Europe did a song about this (when they were an actual metal band before the whole Final Countdown fiasco)? It was called Seven Doors Hotel I think.
I suppose it was The Beyond then? Nobody confirmed, although I'm 99% sure....

Anyway, here goes:

"Somebody took my phone number and called Afghanistan. Afghanistan!?! I've never talked to anyone in Afghanistan. I don't know nobody in Afghanistan and even if I did know anyone, I wouldn't talk to their Afghan ass for three hours! I won't talk to my daddy for three hours!"

:lol: funny.
OK bump me muthfakkas! But I tell ya, this is CHRIS ROCK in Lethal Weapon 4. You know, the one with Jet Li....? No? Maybe I was the only dork who saw that then...

Now go re-read it in Chris Rock voice, and you will laugh laugh.

OK here's a real easy one boys and girls:

Man 1: Here's twenty dollars to get some drinks in Val Verde. It'll give us all a little more time with your daughter.

Man 2: You're a funny man, Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last.
"So what happened to Sully?"

"I let him go."

OK here's one to get the juices flowing:

reading from letter...

"Dear Mr. Vernon. We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong but we think you're crazy making us write this essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see the simplest see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket-case, a princess and a criminal."

*cue Simple Minds anthem*
Nice. Breakfast Club.

"The can suck my pathetic little DICK, and I'll even dip my balls in marinara sauce for a taste of home."
NAD said:
"The can suck my pathetic little DICK, and I'll even dip my balls in marinara sauce for a taste of home."

That's your avatar, Boondock Saints. Never seen it though, just because I can't stand Sean Patrick Flanery. After seeing Simply Irresistable, he ruined my perverted fantasies of Buffy forever.


Katherine:Oh.Sebastian.would you come here for a second.....about that little wager of yours count me in.
Sebastian:What are the terms?
Katherine:If I win I get that hot little car of yours
Sebastian:And if I win?
Katherine:I'll give you something you've been obsessing about ever since our parents got married.
Sebastian:Be more specific.
Katherine:In English I'll fuck your brains out.
Sebastian:What makes you think i'll take that bet, thats a 1956 jaguar roadstar.
Katherine:Because im the only person you can't have and it kills you Sebastian:mmm, no.
Katherine:You can put it anywhere
Sebastian:Oh...You got your self a bet baby....
Cruel Intentions... excellent movie.

"I must say, Dr. Hill, I'm VERY disappointed in you. You steal the secret of life and death, and here you are trysting with a bubble-headed coed. You're not even a second-rate scientist!"
You MUST see Boondock Saints!!! Awesome movie man, set aside your Flannery hatred for 93 minutes... ;)

Don't know the quote, but I had to comment.
bloodfiredeath said:
"I must say, Dr. Hill, I'm VERY disappointed in you. You steal the secret of life and death, and here you are trysting with a bubble-headed coed. You're not even a second-rate scientist!"

Re-animator... nice one!

OK, my turn:

"Oh, vampires pretending to be humans, pretending to be vampires. How avante guarde."
...every vampire movie I've ever seen is flying through my head... sensory overload....

I'm going to guess Dracula 2000.
I don't know if this will be tough or not for y'all. My hint is that it is my favorite 'teen' movie to come out in the past 10 years.

"It say here ninety-two percent of the honeys at UCLA are sexually active. Ninety-two of the women in Los Angeles at UCLA walking around going, "Class... or sex? What shall I do?" Ninety-two percent, yo! Hey, you know what that means?"


"It means I gots a ninety-two percent chance of embarrassing myself. I roll up on that shorty be like, "What's up yo?" she be like, "You don't know 20 different ways to make me call you Big Poppa" cuz I don't yo."
GREAT movie!! Can't Hardly Wait

OK, here's another great 'teen' movie...

"I want you to think of what you ate today. Got it? Now cut that in half, this is called a diet, people, everyone start one today! Darcy, you should stop eating. You see, when you skip a meal, your body feeds off its fat stores. And if you skip enough, maybe your body will eat your ass!"