Movie Quotes

bloodfiredeath said:
Hey... you did a quote from that movie earlier in this thread... ;)

Wow... I must really like that movie or something. :loco: Good memory!

OK, here's a proper new movie quote then (I hope this movie hasn't shown up here already):

A: How's it going mom?
B: Jeremiah
A: I'm going to ask you this nicely first can i have my drumsticks back?
B: Your drumsticks are the least of your worries young man you just ran out on god. My son just ran out on god. You are in a world of .......
A: Trouble? Heh, I've been in trouble for the last twelve hours. HELLO, I'm going to be in St. Bernads boarding school for the next two years of my life remember?
B: Yes
A: I'm going to be out of your hair until I'm a legal adult
B: Yes
A: And all you have to do is go to church light a candle and pray to some stupid little statue for me and all is forgiven and forgotten, right mom? Then you can spend your day in some guilt-free persuit of more constructive activities like telling everybody how screwed up their lives are and then you no longer need the patience and understanding required in order to talk to your son on some normal plane and that way you dont even need to think about how tough it was for you when you were growing up and it's probably a good thing too cause if you did you would probally realize what a lousy goddamn shitty ass parent you are.
B: Jeremiah, what has gotten in to you?
A: I JUST LOST MY VIRGINITY IN A CINFESSIONAL BOOTH. LORD HAVE MERCY. Now for the last time mom give me back my fucking drumsticks....please.
I guessed it...Detroit Rock City.

OK here is a cool one for all you other white collared mofo's:

"My job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge and, at least once a day, retiring to the men's room to jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble hell."
American Beauty.... great film!

A: Bob, I got a bad feeling on this one, all right? I mean I got a bad feeling! I don't think I'm gonna make it outta here! D'ya understand what I'm sayin' to you?

B: Everybody gotta die some time, Red.
Easy, Platoon. Spoken by the character who plays the funny veteran doctor on Scrubs.

My turn:
"Now listen to me very carefully: if you harm one hair on my child's head, or you allow something to happen to him, you will meet the voice on the other end of this telephone. Do you understand me?"

"Um, yes ma'am."
WOO!!! Here's a blast from RC's past. To 'gugs unanswered poser.... I'm going to guess Waterboy, but I have no fucking clue. Anyhow this wouldn't be a proper bump without a new question so: