Look at you how cool you both are! Only you the ultimate fun team of COBOT can make fun of anything or post something not straight and clear with no extras! I apologise sirs for bothering your sight with my unworthy post!

Joe, I wasn't being a smartass, only saying that the problem is not the ticket but all the other stuff, that rises the price of a gig for 100€ for me. If you want me to be straight and don't write any extra stuff don't worry, I'll go the easy way from now on.

Macharius: What the fucking hell has to do being in a band (which is for pure fun and takes me just 3 hours from the 168 hours the week has) with being broke? I'm broke because I'm a student and although I don't have class in the evening I need that time to study, so the only income of money for me is birthday/christmas/etc... and what my parents give me every once in a while. This month is already gone, so no gig. End of story.



I have something to rage about. I finally have a job that I cannot be layed off from, but, I only get paid $8.75 and hour, and work no more than 30 hours a week. Now, that's all grand and shit, but, I make two pay cheque's a month, both which consist of only $258. That's only $516 a month. I pay $200 a month each for rent and car insurance. So, minus $400, I'm left with $116, which is absolutely nothing. This is Canadian funds that I'm talking about, lol. It's pretty gay if you ask me.
I have something to rage about. I finally have a job that I cannot be layed off from, but, I only get paid $8.75 and hour, and work no more than 30 hours a week. Now, that's all grand and shit, but, I make two pay cheque's a month, both which consist of only $258. That's only $516 a month. I pay $200 a month each for rent and car insurance. So, minus $400, I'm left with $116, which is absolutely nothing. This is Canadian funds that I'm talking about, lol. It's pretty gay if you ask me.
I have something to rage about. I finally have a job that I cannot be layed off from, but, I only get paid $8.75 and hour, and work no more than 30 hours a week. Now, that's all grand and shit, but, I make two pay cheque's a month, both which consist of only $258. That's only $516 a month. I pay $200 a month each for rent and car insurance. So, minus $400, I'm left with $116, which is absolutely nothing. This is Canadian funds that I'm talking about, lol. It's pretty gay if you ask me.


I have no job, i get about €250 a month from the governement as studiefinancialthingy, my room costs 325 a month, which leaves me being dependant on my parents to donate me about €20 to eat for a week.