My fucking wireless has decided, for the fourth time in the past two months, that it just doesn't want to work at all, and I now can only rely on ethernet to get Internet access until it decides to start working again.

I swear to God, when I get my new computer, I am taking this one and throwing it out a fucking window, and then re-enacting the scene from Office Space with the fax machine and the baseball bat on whatever parts are left.
My fucking wireless has decided, for the fourth time in the past two months, that it just doesn't want to work at all, and I now can only rely on ethernet to get Internet access until it decides to start working again.

I swear to God, when I get my new computer, I am taking this one and throwing it out a fucking window, and then re-enacting the scene from Office Space with the fax machine and the baseball bat on whatever parts are left.
Good! Now you can make some exercise and burn a few calories! :kickass:
I already exercise every day, dude. I'm up at 7 most mornings, walking 3 miles on a treadmill and lifting weights.
