^lol were you the sick one or the other guy? I make a point of not accepting offers of sharing when I'm sick, but it's funny when someone doesn't know me and they assume I'm saying no because I don't like whatever's offered...
its 2pm, and I'm going for a nap. I set my alarm for 3:30 so I have an hour to shower, eat, and get to 5pm work.

Wakeup, look at clock, 4:35.



work ID is in wallet
nowhere to be found, cant sign in without it.


Fuck it, I have 10 minutes to do a 20minute walk. so I run.

roommate finds wallet and bikes it up to me as I run


Get to work sweaty as fuck only 5 min late, no one in the kitchen at all, and its just me in the dish pit alone...I dont see anyone for like 30 minutes....

I got an e-mail from my girlfriend of 7 years saying we should no longer date.


Another girl got close to me in order to sleep with my good friend.


That's even worse than getting dumped via text message :lol:
I got an e-mail from my girlfriend of 7 years saying we should no longer date.

Just got the Belphegor T-shirt I ordered, and man the thing's disappointing, should've gotten sth else. The album's got so much great art (walpurgis rites), can't believe they didn't bother to make a decent shirt.
Fucking cunt sharing the dish pit with me today.
"Waaa its my day off"
"waaa I cant belive I have to do the job I'm paid to do"

CHRIIISSSSSTTTTT. As if the job would have been any easier had he been scheduled there or not.
As if its the Chefs fault for saying "Yeah I can come in today!" on the phone.

Second time this month I've had to leave a note for the chef saying "I did my best but this other dude is a fuckup so shit is fucked srry lol"
I hate him for dressing so bright to be so fucking boring.
He's dressed to sell Oxy Clean.

Mumford & Sons sold out in Toronto >8(
$200 a ticket