The "Random Bullshit" Thread

yeah...and the the learning for my final exams starts...

but hey, one week coming to school dressed up, it´s so amusing! XD
thanks :)
the heavy learning-time is just starting and I feel overworked when just thinking about learning atm XD
I just realized I didn't get any decent April's fools prank. An individual one, that is.
'Cause when I got at school this morning there were these posters on the gate and walls and all, that a schoolmate of ours had died. Which was not just morbid, but terribly tasteless as well. *rolls eyes*

/bullshit rant off.
I dressed up in a bear pelt and raised some hell in Raleigh at the Tyr concert

There seems to be a bit of a bear theme going on with that Alestorm tour... Awesome!

I woke up today with a Finch song stuck in my head. I haven't heard this song in about three years, can't imagine why it's stuck in my head...
@dennisrammstein: mmmh, a schnitzel sounds good... I want one

@Fenrisúlfr: must have been really warm though

@Katie: maybe because of something you dreamed about?

I do remember having a dream, but I've no idea what it was about at all, so maybe you're right... The song's gone now, replaced by power metal, so I'm all happy again
I remember seeing Dragonforce and Turisas at Manchester academy, for whatever reason there's an air conditioning unit underneath the stage, which was pointed DIRECTLY at me (I assume it's there in an attempt to cool the crowd down) everyone around me was sweating like hell, I was lovely and cool :D