The "Random Bullshit" Thread

he is definetely not hot...but he is good at posing and is rather photogenic, what you definetely cannot say about all musicians XD mostly when I photographed him at gigs there´ve been really good shots coming out in the yeah...
i dont think they´ll find a better vocalist or someone equal voice-wise...can´t imagine that somehow...
Well I like a bit of cheese in my music every now and then =P

And since I hate bands like Rhapsody, DragonForce is a "good alternative", despite only finishing their live set in the actual venue 1x out of 3 =P
i think they are fun to watch once in a while (as long as you dont have to pay...) XD
As far as I am concerned, they couldn't "part ways" (i.e. kick to the curb) with that ZP mofo fast enough. 90% of the reason I can't stand Dragonforce is ZP, and it's very possible he pushed the rest of the band into providing the remaining 10%. I will absolutely give them another shot at glory if they open for a band that I realy like.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
I've had the displeasure to see them live because I went to see Turisas a little bit over a year ago in Philly (my avatar photo is from that show). I did not make it through DF's entire set. Vadim is childish, but harmless. The guitarists are both stupid and childish (Hermann looks normal, just caught up in the middle of it). They also make bad jokes. Those things I can probably live with and still listen to them. On the other hand some serious things were more disturbing. DF hogged the stage. They basically gave the opening bands a stage space about 2 meters wide (front to back). Netta had a sprained knee from a stage incident (at a previous venue). Mathias actually brought up the space issue between songs. He made it half-joking, hit his target between the eyes, and moved on to the next song.

DF also hogged the shirt/CD shop . . . greedy bastards.

Now that I listen to myself, I don't think they deserve another shot. Thanks for challanging my ignorance, AndreasS. I owe you ;)

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
On the other hand some serious things were more disturbing. DF hogged the stage. They basically gave the opening bands a stage space about 2 meters wide (front to back). Netta had a sprained knee from a stage incident (at a previous venue). Mathias actually brought up the space issue between songs. He made it half-joking, hit his target between the eyes, and moved on to the next song.

DF also hogged the shirt/CD shop . . . greedy bastards.

Now that I listen to myself, I don't think they deserve another shot. Thanks for challanging my ignorance, AndreasS. I owe you ;)

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan

urhm, without wanting to sound like an everything-knower...

you´re basically talking about things that are not necessarily the band´s (DFs) own fault... and trust me, I am far away from lovin this band or being on any band´s side when it comes to such stuff... ;)

firstly, it is normal that the mainact´s stage setup takes most of the space on stage, simply because the management and crew want to avoid long periods of waiting between the bands (due to setting up everything). and Turisas surely were told before what was coming up to them, knowing they might have to handle quite a small place on stage as support.

furthermore I do not see the point what Dragonforce have to do with Netta´s injured knee, since they did not injure her, as far as I am concerned.

plus, ever thought about the fact that the VENUE also has a fault of that space issue? If they had a BIGGER stage, it would also mean more space for the supportbands...

oh and, Turisas also played on a stage ina club (alone) where the stage just had this dimensions...I didn´t hear any complaints there, though, as far as I can recall.

one semi-last thing . the merchandise-place. you know how such things are handled? fine. weirdly enough it is normal that the mainact (recall, it has not been Turisas) do always have more space for that - and this all is planned and discussed and agreed on by the managements. again no issue where to blame the band for.

last thing about this: noone´s been talking about ignorance, ok? been just a questions, nothing more ;) the perception of things might differ due to human nature...

;) ;) ;)
I'm not blaming Netta's knee injury on Dragonforce (I tried my best though :) ). All I am saying is that Dragonforce were a space hog, and for no reason I felt like bringing up Netta's knee :) I guess my thinking was "accidents happen, why add more risk factors?".

Things can be worked out to showcase the headliner without stepping all over the opening acts. I compare that to the Eluveitie show a few months ago. There were 4 opening bands . . . everyone shared the stage, everyone got along, and nobody needed to reserve personal stage space for running purposes. Everything I saw with DF didn't happen with Eluveitie.

If you want to blame it on management, we certainly can. Management just made DF look really bad. And DF accepted it. My wife talked to the Eluveitie singer at the meet & greet precisely about touring decisions. Apparently the headliner's requests are taken seriously. They are not final, but they weigh heavy.

Now for the ignorant part of me, here goes:

So at that same Eluveitie show there was Alestorm in the opening bands. And I managed to find Chris and asked for an autograph and chatted to him about . . . stuff . . . and then these two guys join the conversation, and I was like "who the fuck are these people who think they know so much about Alestorm and instead of talking to Chris, they're talking to me and don't even bother to ask Chris for an autograph?" . . . but I didn't say it loud . . . then later on Alestorm came on stage . . . . . it turns out the two guys were the bass player and the drummer. I felt like an ass right there.

And since this post didn't have enough topics intertwined, here's another piece of news:

This sucks . . . . there are shows lined up.

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
hahaha awesome story about the Alestorm members :rofl: Good thing you kept your mouth shut =P

Anyways, I think Cari has a point. It's not unusual that the headliner's drum kit is one stage from the beginning of the show. It just saves time. Some bigger venues put them on a cart, prepare them backstage and just roll them on, but smaller venues don't.

But what exactly is your problem with the DF singer? =P I was expecting you to elaborate on that matter too ^^
Oh my problem with ZP . . . . he did a few things during that show that weren't to my liking. Saying "motherfucker" almost every second word gets seriously irritating after a while. Pity the guy who will have to explain to their 10 year old kids from the audience. Then at some point he took a shirt from a lady in the audience rubbed it on his crotch, and then he gave it back to the lady. And then he took a mouthfull of water and proceeded to spit it at the audience. Not sure about other people, that's gross to me.

It could be that he's a god and I'm too outdated to grasp the substance of his display of excessively awsome superstar power . . . . . geez, that almost sounds like the name of their next album ;)

wm_crash, the friendly hooligan
haha, that´s rock´n´roll, thats a typical rock show...nothing surpriseing though...i can only laugh about such stuff...XD